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2 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hey Bill!...just wanted to stop by and give you a big "THANK YOU" for the nice rating you gave on "WESTERN TOWN"-very much appreciated! I'm going to give a listen to some of your tunes right now. In addition would like to reach out and become friends on this site -if you would like!? If so ...thank you in advance!!
Wishing you continued musical success!
TK-(Tony Keys)-BroGreede

2 Replies
Bill Gaunce
2 days ago

You're quite welcome! BTW, I think we're already friends :-)

2 days ago

LOL!! know Bill...getting older is finally catching up with're absolutely right...I think you changed your picture!?...and when I went on your site I realized I already gave you reviews....oh boy....sorry for that one...they say these days "my bad" forgive me bro!!! Thanx for setting it straight!!

allison bolton
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

thank you for your review on world full of lies!.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hey brother if you ever stop here? You're still my hero! You're old as crap but still kickin ass and taking names! Glad I "met" you years back now.. hell you're borderline brilliant-wait that's me! You've crossed that line!

Bob Juch
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

I wrote an answer to "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?" It's here: Juch/i-might-love-you-tomorrow

Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago to David James Stuart

Hey David, thanks for the review of my song Vampire Girl. You are spot on, this is an alt master for cell phone with low and high pass plus narrowed stereo field which makes it sound pretty muffled in headphones. Probably should have uploaded the other here. Thanks for listening!

Ante Novaselic
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Bill much thx for the kind review of my song Set me Free. thank u so much man!

Thanks for kind Review and Score on "Storm Of Days". I appreciate it!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

hey Billy hope all is at least good for you bro, stay alive!! working on a new one with Wade...

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

How you doin' Billy? I've always loved that King tune, nice rendition bud...stay safe

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hi Bill, thanks for your thoughtful review of love to be in love. I appreciate your time and comments. Toni

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hey Bill, you just reviewed our tune, "Change Is Comin'" and gave the tune 49/50 Great Review Sir, Thanks! You mentioned that the Lead Vocal was a tad piercing. We went back and remixed the song! If you have a chance, love to have you return to our site and have a second listen and see if we fixed the sound that was troubling??
Again, glad you enjoyed our composition.....

Happy Trails,
Margie & Art Corey

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Thanks for the stars Bill on my song "Out Into The Night" Glad you liked it!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

hey Billy glad the hurrycanes haven't blown you away...nice work bud on Shake It Off!
all the best, Warren

2 Replies
Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago

Hey Warren! Just trying to get some material for a new soul band project I'm in. Need to get our girl singer to do the vocals, would be much mo' better, she's badass! :-)

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

So glad to "talk" to you bud! I'd say IMO the material is baddass ready!
Cheers to you

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

hey Bill, cool new pix, your Kris look...LOL...the best,

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

hey BILL--been awhile--i still like the title you had awhile back for your poetry--stationary poets--i think it was you,anyway--happy christmas coming up--to you--cheers--nj

1 Replies
mike carta
over 30 days ago

i like this song, nice.

Bobby Caputo
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Thanks for the perfect review of "I've Got Shit To Do"....You got the joke and the fact that the recording was quick and dirty....obviously...I had shit to do...

Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago to Alex Legg

Hey Alex, thanks for the kind review of "Another Shade Of Blue". A good review means a lot coming from you.

Alex Legg
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Thanks Bill.... nice to see YOU'RE still on B/Jam. Thanks for your kind and encouraging comments on my tune, "Too Many Children" (Not Enough Dreams). Appreciate it, my friend

Derrick Procell
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hey Bill... thank you for the great marks and comments on my song THE ROADS NOT TAKEN. I've just checked out some of your stuff and you have every right to comment as you do! Nice work my friend. I'll be back to check out some more. btw... I have a tune called Shades of Blue on here... check it out if you like!

1 Replies
Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago

Ah, but mine is "Another" Shade Of Blue (LOL!)

Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Thanks John! I'm older than dirt, glad my voice is sorta holding up because everything else is falling apart! - bill

John Jay Pelsone
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hey Bill...U must be getting Older,,Your Voice is maturing into Greatness.I enjoyed this new song/lyrics/Vocal and the Performance.
Good Luck With It...Jay

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

when records were round--pretty cool--been awhile since i been by--cheers--happy 4th--cheers--joe.

Hey Bil....Congrats on having one of your songs place in a TV show. Looks good on ya'.

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

the contender--pretty cool song--brought back a memory--hope your new year is a great one--peace--joe----------i have always liked your tunes ever since i been here on broadjam.

2 Replies
Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago

Thank you Joe!

over 30 days ago

hey bill--i really like the stationary poets--name--i thought of using it here a time or two--with sum young poets--just for fun--great name--i am an unstationary poet of course--cheers--joe

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Dear Bill:

You, my good sir, are an incredibly gifted songwriter/singer/performer. I CONGRATULATE you for your Top 20 finish in the 2010 BJ 6-pack competition. I've been listening to your work and, quite frankly, its stunning!

all my very best,
H. Jay Carney

1 Replies
Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much Jay. I know we all work so hard . . . it's great to know someone is listening and likes what you do.

much appreciated friend! - bill

Joseph Miller
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

"Here comes another heartache" well done... cool tune. Joe

"Breakin' my heart", sounds like you're breaking into Steve Earle 'Copperhead Road' territory, Bill. Great track! Still giving 'sex junkfood and lo-fidelity' a spin, if you can do that on an iPod. Good to hear your new americana toons.

1 Replies
Bill Gaunce
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim, thanks. you hit the nail on the head. I'm a big Steve Earle fan & had been listening to him a lot when I recorded that one. I can never seem to pull to far from my influences!

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

what up Bill...

over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

hey bill,cherry avenue,i like it,you sounded a little like bob dylan on it/happy 4th coming up/joe.

John Jay Pelsone
over 30 days ago to Bill Gaunce

Hey Bill..Just arrived on the jam last month.My buddy "Buc Williams" told me about all the great listings that were here in my genre.He was right! I submitted to about 18 listings and most of them have received 90's or above from the peers.I don't know what that really means, but it feels good !! The listings seem 2 dry up at taxi and I lost Interest there.I've been looking up taxi members ,just to see how there doing here.Love to here how your doing.Your stuff is always top shelf with me. send me a line if u have time.


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