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Bill Dake
3 weeks ago to BroGreede

Thanks for the 5's and playlist add for "Space In Between". I've been taking a sabbatical from the music for awhile. The muse is on vacation. Still noodlin' on piano and guitar just to keep somewhat fluent, but lyrics seem to be evading me. Not that there isn't plenty of subject matter to be had...crazy world!
Hope all is well with you,
Your friend,

over 30 days ago to Bill Dake

Thanks for the stars Bill. You're a fine songwriter.

Take care.

over 30 days ago to Bill Dake

"It Must Be Raining" remains one of my favorite. It's truly a 'beautiful song': Love it man.

Long time. Hope you're well.
Take care pal.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the 5's for "Papa Don't Mind". Wrote the instrumental part ( and the title), back in 1983 and the lyrics have been evolving ever since. Still not done with it...

The muse has been in hiding for quite awhile. Don't like to admit it , but the world's situation seems to be getting to me. And, the fact that my stuff doesn't have a market is a bit discouraging. Can't seem to change with the times.

Hope all is well with you and yours, have a Merry Christmas!

Mr. Bill

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago


Probably repeating myself when I say that there is always something instructive for me in your music, and it's always truly interesting and pleasant to audit. Always with a very fine lyrical sensibility I recognize immediately as well.
Been dealing with bronchial issue for many weeks, gradually improving now I think. However, apart from tweaking here and there my creativity has been largely at a standstill. -- When does Spring begin anyway?
I follow way too much news, not good for my mental health.
Got this 5 year old young lady here with a fascination for Christmas, does make me smile and improve the overall mood here. A true blessing.
Mr. Bill, I certainly wish you and yours all the best this holiday season as well. I very much appreciate your support and friendship in this environment. You will always have mine.
Maybe I can get some work today.....

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BanzaiWag


Thanks for the 5's for "Rise Again".


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BanzaiWag


Thanks for the 5's for "Touch Down". Appreciate it.


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the 5's for "Touchdown" and "The Only One". Caught a lot of grief for "The Only One", one contest wouldn't even pass it on to the judges. "Touchdown" just made a top 10 list...I really don't understand how Bjam compiles these lists.

Still struggling to find my place in this world.


3 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Your stuff always engaging and appealing to me. Some weeks ago i listened to a block of your songs, like listening to an album. It truly was great. Yup, struggling here too. Thinking that, before I leave this world, I'll try visiting a bordello and cutting off an ear. :-}

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

Vincent Willem, a relative?

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Funny you should ask. I am into geneology off and on. Got this email some years ago suggesting that there was an indirect connection to my mother's lineage, that he was some kind of distant cousin or other. Consulting with other family members, however, only suspicions were aroused. Probably some kind of sales ploy. But... ???

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BanzaiWag


Thanks for the 5's for "Space In Between".

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the 5's and PL for "Coast City". Partly true with a few embellishments...


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey rock bro!!'re still the "king of the hill" as far as I'm concerned. Without the Jazz genre and occasional good rockers Bjam gets pretty boring to say the least! Same ole...same ole!!! Thanx for providing some of the best music I've heard!!!! Bless your Jazz soul brother Bill!!!
Tony Keys-BG

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Thanks for the 5's for "Money Can't". OLD tune I wrote while still in a funky rock band in the early '70's. The head of the Jazz department at Cornish talked me into going back to school and getting my degree there. Gave me the opportunity to play and write with some great players. This live recording was from 1984. Most of the players went on to successful professional careers and I became a carpenter.

It's been a particularly dry spell for me, musically. Lot's of old ideas but not much new. Quit a few times but I always come back to it.

"Sandbox Sally" ... 5's!


1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Money Can't really resonated with me in several ways. Certainly interesting from strictly musical perspective, but more than this it evoked memories dating to late seventies when I was first learning guitar and was introduced to the jazz scene. It reminded me of how seriously I wanted to become a jazz player, ideally in a context like what is captured here. Unfortunately, it was never fully realized :-(, have only played in popular music bands. A very emotional listen that re-awoke that yearning in me.
I'm sure you have noticed I too have kept a low profile. Lot's of stuff going on here. A fair share of babysitting, tho Alayna (5) just started kindergarten. A tad more free time now. Recently I/we lost our pup, age 14 1/2. Wow that hurt, truly my best friend forever. I am at the very beginning of a new track I will dedicate to him. It will be organic, very much unlike Sandbox Sally.
Thank you for the 5s as well, Bill! At least in the near term I will be a bit more active on BJ.
Oh yeah, my Mare Tranquillitatis was selected >today< by a provider. First time for me. Have yet to dive into this to see what it really means. Have you an experience like this?
Stay healthy and creative, my friend!

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the 5's and playlist adds for the latest batch of tunes. Really appreciate your support. Don't do much on Bjam anymore, seems a waste of effort to submit stuff for pitches here. Guess I'm just not what the market is looking for.


2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Bill....I was wondering why you were so quiet!? I fully understand what you are saying! - I believe I know that all too well! I try my best to keep my songs going by doing so many reviews and quite frankly I'm so tired of listening to the same ole...same ole...especially in genres I don't have an affinity for! Lately I've been seeing a lot of artists place their music in categories other than where they should be....I guess ...more exposure!?..honestly...for what!? I'm not trying to say Bjam isn't a good platform...but I do know there are much better out there...for a price and these platforms reach a much better audience! I think I mentioned to you a long while ago....I'm only on Bjam as a continued tribute to my brother and other bandmate who without them none of my music would be here! I'm proud of it all...whether good ...bad or doesn't really matter- it only matters to me! And so I continue on....very much in the same mindset you have -but just to keep all those memories somewhat alive! You are one...if not.. the best musician on this site. Your talent speaks for itself! It may not be everybody's cup of tea(jazz)....but really who cares about that. You should be very proud-you are actually way beyond this site and I'm sure you know that! I switched gears around in the past month or so listening to a lot of classical music and forms of....and also staying hard in the jazz genre- listening to some really good fusion! I'm so tired of everything country, folk & pop which seems very prevalent on this site-and those banging out new tunes almost every day!? And lastly some music "producers" that are cranking out tons of tunes...not of their own....and I really have no interest! Lastly let's not even discuss what appears very obvious....those that want nothing but 5/5 all the time-otherwise they write you there so many times. Honestly ...who cares!??? Everybody wants to be a rock star!! most can't even play a note!.....lmao! Hey Bill ...recently saw Arturo Sandoval @ the Blue Note N.Y.C....absolutely great!!!...and believe it or not...I was talking about you with a close friend of mine! When Jazz comes to mind-I really appreciate you!
God Bless Jazzman!!!!
Please stay in touch and give updates!!.that would be appreciated.......:)
Your die-hard fan,
Tony Keys-BG

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

I'm an odd duck.

over 30 days ago to Bill Dake're the best!!!..God Bless!!

your fan
Tony Keys-BG

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede


Many thanks for the 5's and playlist adds for my tunes and the cover song. Haven't been active on BJam for quite awhile so it was a nice surprise to get the notifications. Hope all is well with you's a very strange time...
Keep the music coming.



3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey deserve it!!'re one of the best on this site!! If it weren't for you there wouldn't be any good quality jazz -especially in the que!! Like you...I'm on /off...get frustrated listening to same ole same ole. Just so you know without getting into a long story...BroGreede is ME!!.. little ole me!!....It's been a very long and rather depressing 13 years already! I'm on this site only for one thing...carrying the torch and memories forward- as my late brother would've wanted! I'm hoping to start recording again in my studio soon....I have an older friend-drummer(famous L.I. NY band- NAKED TRUTH) who wants to help me move forward. I'm looking forward to it! Should be fun-if anything! I'm going to take a slightly different direction. I have written so many good music scores in the past that I've had on the back burner so I'm hoping to do all this! Will see how it goes. God willing! ! Please wish us some luck! Hopefully get some on Bjam!!
Appreciate you and your outstanding talent Bill!
Wishing you continued musical success!!
TK-(Tony Keys)-BG

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago


Frustration is the name of the game. Been doin' this for 60+ years, off and on. Started on trumpet as a kid, then choral music, folk groups, NW r&r, a stint in the Navy then back to the rock band. Discovered Jazz and even some classical guitar. Club gigs in the '70's as a vocal/guitar duo, a couple of Jazz gigs with some kids who've become internationally recognized monsters. In my early thirty's while pursuing my full-time gig as a carpenter, the head of the Jazz department at Cornish talked me into going back to school and getting my degree in music. Cashed in a couple life insurance policies to pay for it and after two years got my four year degree. Didn't think I had the chops to make a living at it and didn't want to put my wife through the musicians wife's life, went back to carpentry. It was a long hiatus from what I really loved doing. About 25 years ago I started putting together some of the tunes I'd written and some of that is what you'll find on Bjam. Recently got together with a Nashville guy who played jazz back in the "Old Days" and has become a mentor and friend who's trying to guide me through the business maze. Many ups and downs and I've thought of quitting many times, but, as you know, it's in the blood...
Best to you, I'll be looking forward to hearing your new stuff!


over 30 days ago!!...very impressive with all that you did!. And a very big "THANK YOU" for your service! You certainly have some impressive background-that's for sure! We actually have something in common. I was principal trumpet player all the way through high school and into my early 20's. I used to play along with the likes of Chicago...BS&T.....and my fav. Bill Chase! I could play the very high registers pretty well! I didn't play for a long time and within the last couple of years I bought a couple of very nice horns which I now play pretty often-and chops coming back! I also played a little sax and self taught guitar-I love it. I was classically trained in organ w/ foot pedals, piano & then jazz by 2 individuals- one played with Dean Martin-20+years and was semi-retired when I began taking lessons from him. The other was a Japanese concert pianist(unbelievable)! I started playing drums at age 5 and I played up to about 20yrs. old. My brother was a professional drummer and 7 years older than me- henceforth...drums always available. Mom had a rough time of it with 2 drummers in the house! My brother and I invested in a digital recording studio in 1999-(We never played together)-it was all the indie stuff-a Roland VS-1880-24 bit/18 tr. Record and burn right to CD. Pretty cool in those days. I still have it and works like day 1 with all the minor quirks it came My talent is that I can write music in basically any genre and being a keyboardist-well I can virtually play any instrument. My brother on drums/ main vocals. We started doing some recordings and my brother was like a kid in a candy store putting all our music on so many indie sites including sat. radio and reg. radio! Many people actually thought we were a band. At that time it was only the 2 of us! Half way through the 3rd. album(as we were improving /learning how the Roland works) his old band mate became part of BG. This individual was someone I always had reverence for and looked up to him as a mentor. Schooled in music -multi-instrumentalist-could write for orchestra- Nick was outstanding! He was not into making his own music so that was my dept. Working with him only made me a better musician. If I was playing a rather complex chord using both hands in a musical fanfare he would look up at me- me knowing something was awry! He would later say..."TK....your right hand 4th. digit should've been a half step higher...and of course- he was right- such a very keen ear and perfect pitch to boot!! 2011 my brother passed suddenly. Prior to his death we had a good instrumental that was already in the can and ready for some vocals & a theme. He was going on vacation for 10 days to So. Carolina. While he was away he wanted me to come up with a theme and lyrics and put a vocal part in! I'm no lead vocalist but I gave it a good try. Prior to him going on vacation I was in Alaska with my wife & daughter. We took the famous "White Pass" railroad- an almost 30 mile journey through the Yukon to the Canadian border! That's when I got the idea of taking a journey through time i.e. 1898 gold rush and make it like a Pink Floyd tune. Passing through history and seeing the exact locations as they looked then and what they look like today! Seeing visions of yesteryear as you took the journey! I had written out a few paragraphs of lyrics and my brother just loved the whole idea....and he loved trains. He was really excited about it. He came the studio on a Friday to help pick out a good voice processor for me to use as I sang. I kissed him goodbye and off he went. I kept working on the tune and sang it so many times-realizing I couldn't possibly do any better. The night before he was to come home I nailed it-or like I said-did the best I could. I couldn't wait for him to hear it. He came home and went to work that Monday...he texted me asking how things went. I was working too so it was hard for me to immediately answer him.I would text him later on in the day! I never saw my brother again-he had a massive heart attack at work and died. Well chaos for a rather long time. It took over a year but Nick and I got back together to carry on in our own way of keeping memories alive in the studio. Nick had a bad time of it too- my brother was his"roomie". We did that for about 6 years...then he passed suddenly! Wow- double whammy! I omitted a lot of other things that went along with this story because it's quite long as is...and don't want to bend your ear anymore! So Bjam honestly is just my way of keeping memories alive and honoring both my brother & Nick. It has absolutely nothing to do with grades...and all the other stuff. I make friends and listen to some great musicians! It's fun and therapy at the same time. Like I already mentioned to you I'm looking forward to making more music and having fun along the way. I guess time will tell. We are both up in age Bill....but the incredible thing about music is that it goes on forever-it never dies my friend and that's the best part of what we do!!
God Bless!!
Tony Keys-BG

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hi Guys,

Forgot to thank you for the playlist add for "Touch Down".


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede


Gentlemen, thanks for the 5's for "Pale Vanilla Moon", and "New Dog, Old Tricks". PVM is a re-write of a countryish older tune "Carolina Moon". A producer friend suggested I do a Jazz version as that's more my wheelhouse. Someday I'll get back to ND,NT and stretch out a little.

Really love "White Pass" !


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Thanks for the 5's for "Scorcher" and "It Must Be Raining". Gotta get back to both of them someday, as usual.
"Happy-Go-Lucky" is a gas, man! 5's for sure.
Thanks for the follows on my Facebook music page, just gettin' started with expanding my reach. Will be submitting stuff to some other music sites soon. Working with a friend/producer/teacher/jazz trumpet player in Nashville who knows this biz.
So far the sync thing hasn't worked out, seems my production skills aren't up to the task and my voice isn't pop enough...


2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

I haven't yet listened to everything you have out there but I will eventually. Virtually everything I have heard so far has something instructive in it for me and that automates five star ratings.
My Happy-Go-Lucky is a sort of 'popular music' attempt. Overly synthy perhaps? Will see how that plays out, ever tweaking.
Thank you as well, sir, and stay well and creative!

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Oh yeah, wanted to mention I have a presence on Bandcamp now, tho I have much still to learn about it, how to use it..

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,
Thanks for the nice review of "I Know". Yeah, not really radio material, but I haven't listened to much radio in decades. Need to revisit the horn parts was glitching on the outro...
Thanks again,

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Hey-- I enjoyed the listen --- and the only radio I listen to is playing the same song lists I heard in the 60-70's ........

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Appreciate the 5's for "First Light On The Prairie". Started out as a solo country/jazz guitar piece from eons ago. It's one of those tunes I intend to revisit...
Just spent my next 2 years allowance on Mojo2 Horns 2.0. Now I have to learn how to use it. And, of course, I get a message from Kontact that my current version of their product needs to be updated to use the new never ends.


2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

I'll look into Mojo2 Horns myself. Not super keen on dishing out cash myself but occasionally it"s worth it. - T

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

Yeah, pricey stuff. Might also look at acoustic samples V Horns and V Saxophones. About $50 bucks less if you buy both programs, actually I wanted to get these instead but Sweetwater let me make payments which didn't hurt quite as much and didn't carry the V Horns/Sax product.
I'd check them both out...let me know what you think.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to SKY HIGH MUSIC LABS


Appreciate the listen and review of "Touch Down". One of those tunes that I need to revisit and tweak a bit.
Always enjoy your stuff...

Thanks for the review of "In The Gardens Of Mrs. B" and the 5's for "I Think of You".
Your friend,

1 Replies
Patrick E. Muth/Catnip Pat
over 30 days ago

No Prob Bill! Just keep cranking those beauties out! Pat

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Skellee Season

Many thanks for the 5's for "Pale Vanilla Moon".
Just listened to "Your Lovin'"...I like your style...5's

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Many thanks for the 5's for "I Really Love Your Mind", "PHD", and "Papa Don't Mind". A couple of these might be entering the sync world soon...fingers crossed.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Wishing you all the absolutely what you do...!!!

Bill "I think of You" is a winner really. Have you placed this yet? Pat

1 Replies
Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

Thanks Pat,
Haven't placed anything through Bjam. I'm working with some producers/libraries for some sync work...looks promising, but nothing yet. Hoping to get some positive results before I leave this planet.


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Sandra Palmer

Thanks for the kind review of "Money Can't". That recording was done in a live hall in 1984. Unfortunately that is the only copy I have and it's off of a cassette. Wrote the tune in1976.

1 Replies
Sandra Palmer
over 30 days ago

Hi Bill,
I really did enjoy it! Great title, too.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Want to thank you guys for all the 5's, song list adds and endorsements. It's nice to know somebody is listening. After 50+ years of beating nails and hauling lumber it's been good to get back to the music.
I enjoy your stuff!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey's all good... really like what you do...really cool stuff...I'm heavy into jazz... been that way for many decades and listened to just about anyone who played on the GRP're right up there my friend...continue doing what you do best ...making outstanding music!!
Tony Keys- BG

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to SKY HIGH MUSIC LABS

Thanks for the 5's for "Maggie's Bright". Started out as an ode to my maglite during a time when the muse had deserted happens.
Love what you do, I'm a fan.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Appreciate the 5's for "In The Beginning". Written for my wife. Another tune that doesn't follow the accepted songwriting format...

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede


Thanks, again, for another 5's, for "Polka Dot Blue". Loosely based on a personal experience...


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks for the 5's for "Chainsaw Weather". Just had a conversation with a producer who said it broke most of the songwriting rules but he loved it anyway. Never was one to follow rules...

over 30 days ago to Bill Dake

Hey this tune ( "Chain Saw Weather")!!'s the first I've put in a playlist!!!!...Love what you're doing!!!!...Keep on rockin!!!!

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