
Previous Comments

Hi, Thank you for the endorsement and for the addition to your Best Songs On Broad Jam Playlist!

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Adam!
LC Team

Thank you for the five stars!

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Adam!
LC Team

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Cortez Farris

Thanks for the endorsement!!

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hey David, thanks for the 5 star rating on "a safe place". Hope all is well.

2 Replies
Darren Gibbons
over 30 days ago

Hi David..thanks for the 5 stars fore 'Hello my old friend'. Appreciate that. I have joined that Audiosparx site but haven't put any music on yet, is it a good site? cheers. Darren

David Banks
over 30 days ago

I think it is a good (for us mere mortals but not for the likes of Hans Zimmer). People like us need our music in lots of places to generate an income and Audiosparx can deliver some nice work such as advertising but you do need quite a few tracks listed to get noticed (but you could get lucky with just a few great tracks). I am guilty of quickly producing some wall paper (lift music) and as time moves on and a nice income is steady I will produce less of this drivel (don't give up the day job just yet lol). Seriously though! Audiosparx has got me several adverts within the last 12 months so I can't complain! I have also noticed that some big earners signed to various top libraries are with Audiosparx. Say no more!

Hey Mike, we were both selected for the listing "electronic tracks". Have you heard anything from the provider?

2 Replies
Michael Hanson Cantwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam, did you get an e-mail to provide basic data such as ownership of the music. Co-creators shares, etc. I've still got to respond.

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Yes i got it. I just was not sure if he represents a music library (publisher) or if we are acting as composer and publisher.

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Gavin Hammond

Thanks for the 5 stars on Dance Club!

Lindsay Hamminga
over 30 days ago to David Banks

250 songs wow!!!! way to go my friend :) Awesome work!!!

4 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Lindsay, Haven't heard from you for a good while. Hoping you are doing well. Yes 250 tracks! But lets be honest, there are only a handful of classics here! Ha! I have seen one or two listings at Hitlicense that would be good for some of your great tunes, you should check it out. Most of the people are production companies or producers (not libraries) so you keep all the rights/publishing etc. to your work. That means you are free to sign a record deal even though your work is in films and commercials. I'm probably telling you something you already know! Anyway, good to hear from you! And thanks for the 5 star rating. Take care. David

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Hey David, we talked a few years ago about a deal we both were offered through bjam. Was wondering what your thoughts are on pump audio/ getty images audio. Do you use them to?

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam, Yes I have a handful of tracks with Pump/Getty. It would be a good site if they didn't take soooooo long to review tracks. 10 months on average! How pathetic is that! I prefer Audiosparx. Now there is a more helpful and realistic company than Pump and once they have accepted your work, you're allowed to upload your music immediately without their A&R team interfering. I got my first commercial thru Audiosparx and still getting my music placed in various situations every few months. Have you checked them out?

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

No but I will now. Thanks David!

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Eric Richards

Hi Eric great work on road to glory. What orchestra Samples do you use? I'm looking for some advice on what to buy. Thanks.

1 Replies
Eric Richards
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam! I have been using Cinematic Strings 2.0 BUT I completely advise looking into 8DIO's Adagietto. It is the best string library I have heard thus far for such an attractive price. There are other nice libraries like LASS and Symphobia but they are heavily expensive. LASS does have a LITE version that is the same price as Cinematic Strings and Adagietto. It does depend on your style though. Adagietto is perfect for cinematic cues while LASS may be good for more John William style--more symphonic/classical. What I love about Adagietto is that you can have your strings have mutes on them. I haven't seen that anywhere else. Then finally Symphobia, it is a hefty library on cost but if you can afford it, that would be the best option probably. It has a great tone and string effects.

I threw out many libraries at you but look at Adagietto and LASS LITE and see what fits your style. If you want to, you can check out what I use, Cinematic Strings, but I don't heavily advise it. It uses lots of RAM and takes awhile to load the samples. Like Hollywood Strings. If you've thought about getting that library...don't. I'm a huge fan of Thomas Bergersen but that library has many issues.

I hope this helped and thank you for your comment! Best of luck composing!

Darius Ghanat
over 30 days ago to Adam Vicelich

I discovered your music today, and I think that you definitely have a lot of really good songs for T.V., movies, etc.! One of my favorites was "Bouncy Bells"; it was a really catchy song! Congratulations on being selected for the peaceful music opportunity! :)

2 Replies
Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much Darius!

Michael Brincat
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam it's been a long time hope everything is good. When you get a chance give me a call I would like to know if you are available to play in some tracks it would be a work for hire situation. Michael @ 1-917 626-4973 thanks

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Chris Eicher

Hi Chris, it looks like your song this lonely dusty old town was selected along with one of mine by a music library last week. I would like to get your opinion on the contract being offered. Please let me know what you think of it. Thanks, Adam

3 Replies
Chris Eicher
over 30 days ago

I'ts not a very nice one... but on my song I'm willing to do a non-exclusive because I think it will only get used in a film or TV show if it's used. I have other contracts that are a lot more in the artist's favor. At lease with the non-exclusive I can sell it myself to other libraries or on my own website. In short, it's pretty ugly but I'm not marketing anywhere else yet. And if something big comes of it, it's a good deal for me. You have to weigh that with your song. If mine was one of my favorites I probably wouldn't sign with them.

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Thanks for getting back to me. I've decided to give them a shot as well. Good luck!

Chris Eicher
over 30 days ago

Adam if these guys didn't have the contacts that they have I probably would not sign the contracts to be honest. I currently have two songs under contract with them.when I first read the contract I said to myself what is it that I can make money on!?!? LoL. but since I'm not marketing write my songs anywhere else I guess a bird in the hand is better than nothing. the good news is they have lots and lots of good contacts and placements in the past so they have relationships where they can actually sell our songs. and that means a lot!

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Annie Calder

Hi Annie, it looks like your song apologies was selected along with one of mine by a music library last week. I would like to get your opinion on the contract being offered. Please let me know what you think of it. Thanks, Adam

2 Replies
Annie Calder
over 30 days ago

i'm signed with these guys on a handful of my songs. they are legit and it's non-exclusive, which is only way to go. congrats! Annie

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Thanks Annie!! Good luck!

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Katie Hardyman

Hi, It looks like we were both selected for our holiday music by a company in the UK. They sent me an 8 page contract. Any thoughts on the deal they are offering?

1 Replies
Katie Hardyman
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam, sorry, just saw your message! Im not sure about this one,we have our lawyers going through the contract! It's a bit tricky cause my daughter and her friend wrote this song and they are minors ..Ill try an inbox you!! Congrats on being selected ! Cheers Katie

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Gabriele Ciampi

Hi, It looks like we were both selected for our holiday music by a company in the UK. They sent me an 8 page contract. Any thoughts on the deal they are offering?

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Randy Bishop

Hi, It looks like we were both selected for our holiday music by a company in the UK. They sent me an 8 page contract. Any thoughts on the deal they are offering?

1 Replies
Randy Bishop
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam- I was excited at first, but got a little nervous when I saw the 8 page contract full of all kinds of legal jargon. I looked up their web page and they appear to be a fairly NEW company with a website that supposedly allows TV and movie types the ability to find music for their productions. But, the website looks a little cheesy to me. I think they're basically just trying to add as many artists and songs to their catalog as they can. They don't have much of a track record. It looked like they'd place about a dozen songs in TV shows, primarily on the BBC. After thinking it over, I've decided not to do it. I just can't justify why they need an EXCLUSIVE contract for 5 years. Most publishers are willing to split the revenues on whatever placements they get for a song. To me, that's fair. An exclusive contract is just "giving away the farm" for no reason. Maybe if they were Capitol Records, or some company with a great track record, I'd reconsider. But for now, I'm going to pass. How about you?

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to Andrew Kadin

Hi Andrew, we were both selected by Sky Bound Ent. for our TV news music. Have you looked over their contract offer? I'm kinda new at this and would appreciate your insight.

3 Replies
Andrew Kadin
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam, In general I'm not a huge fan of exclusive contracts. In this case they were very upfront about there contract being exclusive however my concern was that there was no term limit. I requested that they change the term of the contract from perpetual to a 2 yr term with the option to renew. I still haven't heard back.I figure this gives them 2 yrs to prove what they can do for me, otherwise there's other libraries out there. I hope this helps Adam. Give me a shout if you have any other questions. Best,

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Hi Andrew, thanks for getting back to me. If you don't mind I have a couple more questions. It's my understanding that if you sign a piece to a library, they register with the PRO because they become the publisher. Is that right or should I still register with the PRO as the writer?
Also, how soon do you copyright your music? Sometimes I write something, send it out and if it does not get through I make changes. Do you wait till something gets interest before you file (c) or do you do it before you start sending it out?
Thanks for your time on this,

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Hi Andrew, one more thing, did sky bound give you the 2yr term?

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hi David, we were both selected by Sky Bound Ent. for our TV news music. Have you looked over their contract offer? I'm kinda new at this and would appreciate your insight.

4 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Adam, Congratulations on your first signing! Although I've been signed to many big labels over the years (Arista/A&M/RCA/Etc.) My management dealt with all that back then. I am also quite new to writing for media (2 years). But I can say that this sounds like a good deal. It is exclusive so you can not let anyone else have it. They are worldwide so there is a good chance of seeing some royalties. I've given so much of my work away to libraries that are not worldwide! But I'm now getting a bit picky and targeting non-exclusive deals which allows me to sign the same track to other music libraries (under a retitled name-never use the same title or it will get confusing for your PRO/Library). When you have signed a work remember to register with your PRO. Getting back to Sky Bound Entertainment, I don't know much about them but I'm only signing over a 30sec composition so I'm not that worried. Remember it takes several years for royalties to come thru (from USA to the UK at least). I will make a judgement when I see just who is making me money and target those libraries with my latest work. You could bypass a lot of doubtful libraries and go straight for the big guys such as Pump Audio. Check them out! They've turned me down in the past but finally they have shown interest in my work! And finally, I've seen many contracts over the years and SBE is pretty standard stuff (for an exclusive worldwide). Go for it!

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Hi David, thanks for getting back to me. If you don't mind I have a couple more questions. It's my understanding that if you sign a piece to a library, they register with the PRO because they become the publisher. Is that right or should I still register with the PRO as the writer?
Also, how soon do you copyright your music? Sometimes I write something, send it out and if it does not get through I make changes. Do you wait till something gets interest before you file (c) or do you do it before you start sending it out?
Thanks for your time on this,

David Banks
over 30 days ago

You are right, the publisher should register the track and the exclusive deal will do this but a nonexclusive may not. If you license the track to a producer he will not either (he has no claim to the publishing). If you've got the same track in 3 libraries you will have the original name registered and the alternative names. It is not straight forward I know! Even my PRO gave me conflicting advice! I think I now know more than they do! The really important thing is to understand the difference between Exclusive & Nonexclusive. You will usually know a nonexclusive deal when it says retitle the track. When in doubt ask because these contracts are often written for aliens! Also, I never copyright my work. I've had some of my work nicked by Peter Gabriel (many years ago we had the same manager) if he took the whole track then yeah I would be upset but this has never happened. I'm not worried at all about someone having huge success nicking one of my tunes (could be great publicity for me!). Beside, the very fact that you have the original recording/samples on your computer is all the copyright you need. Sorry if I sound a little laid back about all this but after 30 years I see things alittle differently and don't worry too much! There is a lot of conflicting opinions out there! I have friends that won't even send a CD out incase the music is nicked! They are not making much money either! I'm begining to ramble! Do feel free to ask anything. Regards, David

Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Hi David, thank you so much for your help with this. Good luck with your music!

over 30 days ago to D3

hi good to connect, check out my official site and if you want any pro work doing just get back to me, over 80 broadjam members have. keep it real, dave

1 Replies
Adam Vicelich
over 30 days ago

Hi, It looks like we were both selected for our holiday music by a company in the UK. They sent me an 8 page contract. Any thoughts on the deal they are offering?

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