Brandon Hegar

Brandon Hegar


Previous Comments

Brandon thanks for the review of hey there little conscience. Its part of my just say no to drugs show for elementary school children. Mrs Kate

Hi Brandon,
Thanks for the review of "Mom's Journey Home". I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide meaningful/useful feedback.

While I'm here I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again and bed well,

1 Replies
Brandon Hegar
6 days ago

Hey! I just listened to another one of yours. Fantastic job:)

Ante Novaselic
4 weeks ago to Brandon Hegar

Brandon, thank you for the review of my song "Would You" and for your suggestions. I just listened to some of your tunes, and you have some nice one's man. The production sounds great and there is some strong songwriting there as well. Good riffage too. Very nice man!
Best to you!!

Ante N

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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