
Previous Comments

George Morgan
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Well, I can't believe that I've stumbled across this today. Mick Riddell was a teacher of mine during my years at Hampton Dene Primary school and I have many, many fond memories of him. I always felt he saw something in me that other teachers of mine may of mistaken for being destructive, he was always so engaging in his classes and weather it was going the extra mile to see me succeed on the football pitch or asking me sing on stage during one of his amazing productions, I always felt like he got the best out of me. Today I've found Music written by none other than Mick Riddell. A man of whom seems to have such talent in everything he puts his mind too.

Mr Riddell, if you read this I'd just like to thank you for the positive impact you had on me during the early years of my life, I'm not sure that til this day anyone has had that same confidence in me, you always felt like a friend rather than a teacher. I wish you every success on your path after leaving teaching and will now, in what seems like a full circle, enjoy your music. Thank you, George Morgan, a former pupil.

1 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Great to hear from you George! Thank you so much for your comments. I remember you well. You were a great lad - very engaging and a real pleasure to teach. I also remember your brother Joe and your mum of course. So what are you and Joe up to these days? I've retired now (6 years) and really enjoying the freedom. My wife Clare and I travel a lot and I get up to see Celtic more often these days. I joined Broadjam last year and it's a good site to put up your music and get useful feedback. I've had three of my school musical productions published by 'Edgy Productions' based in Leicestershire and they are performed in many schools across the country. I can't remember which one you were in, but it brings in some royalties! I really enjoyed my teaching career and I miss the interaction with great pupils like you and my colleagues of course, but I don't miss the paperwork or planning into the evenings or Ofsted inspections!! Anyway - let me know what you're up to these days George and keep safe.

Mitch Siegal
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Thanks for the 5 star review Mick. : )

over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Hey, Mick - thanks for the outstanding review of my song "I Don't Know If I Love You". It was actually the 3rd or 4th song I ever wrote, circa 1970, but it only took 50 years to get into the studio to record it. Glad you liked the song!

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Mick I just sent a thank you for my review of "Slow Hand" so you may get a couple thank you's also sent a friend request and gave you a couple 5* on a couple of your songs "Call to Arms" reminds me I am writing a WW1 song about the "Lady's from Hell" I am a friend in music ....Delta

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago to KC FYX

Hi KC - thanks for reviewing one of my songs. I get what you're saying about the general dynamics etc. I'm new to the mixing and mastering game. I listened to a couple of your tracks from a musical and aesthetical perspective. I'm sure you have put a lot of work into them!

Nice song Mick , reminded me a bit of The Lighthouse Family

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

It did indeed Search my Heart Mick!
Such a delicate song, sung beautifully by Blue And Sunny Brown ( whatever that is).
I closed my eyes with head phones on and envisaged your sensitive Lyrics touch reality. You have made me want to write a song of Scotland: You have a small piece of!
Can you suggest specific or favourite songs of yours you would wish me to hear?

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Hi Jim - just listened to 'The Promise' (original). Well.... what a stunning song! Highly emotional with a simple melody and relatable and well - crafted lyrics. ('If photographs could talk') 5 stars Jim.

3 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Hi Mick, thanks fir stars and nice comments.
"The Promise Original" was my first copy, but was too long I was told. I shortened from three to two verses and included a bridge which adds to the song!
"The Promise" version is better I think!
Kimberley Dunn, Ottawa sings it beautifully and plays the grand piano.
I see you were in Education!
I was as well! Taught Technology!
I'll endeavour to listen to your songs.
You have quite a pedigree!

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jim - I agree the shortened version is better than the original - even if it is difficult to improve on an already quite outstanding piece. I look forward to hearing the rest of your work.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Also appreciate five stars for "The Promise".
Glad you like it!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Hey Mick, just listened to your song, "Moments of our lives" nice tune, like the melody and the vocals are really sweet! Suggestion, the electric piano is a tad Hot in the Mix, might want to pull it back a tad!
Toodles, & Stay Safe!
The Corey's.....
PS, Let's connect thru Broad Jam Buddies & See the World......

1 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Hi Margie and Art - thanks for taking the time to listen! I'm new to mixing so thanks for the advice - which having listened to two of your tracks - I will definitely take on board. Your '9/11 on an Ordinary Tuesday' is very moving and perfectly captures the sentiment. 'Hate that rode on stolen silver arrows' is a fitting metaphor. In contrast, 'Shaking in my Shoes' is a cracker of a song with its beat and catchy melody. I really look forward to hearing more.

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Great tune Jeana - really enjoyed this. Will listen to more.

3 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Mick--Thank you for listening to "Dora's Lullaby" and the stars. I appreciate it! I just listened to 'You Are New York City". Very catchy and it was interesting how it began and ended with the live choir sound. I also listened to "Face In the Crowd". Beautiful folksy sound. Both of these tunes showcase your talent, both with lyrics and instrumentation. Very well done!

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jeana. I just listened to 'Cherish' and its orchestrated version. Stunning melody! I do like a string arrangement but both versions are superb. You clearly have a gift for melody.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Thank you Mike, I appreciate you listening and your kind words. I could learn a lot from listening to your songs; they are well-crafted.

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Just listened to 'The Place that we know' on recommendation from John Walradt. Great song sir - I shall be listening to more!

5 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hello there! Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate it and will check out your music too! Robert

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

I've just read your profile and see that you have worked in Education? And in particular, working with 'Edgy'? I am a primary teacher and then latterly a Head Teacher and have used Edgy performances on a number of occasions to great effect! Which of the shows were you included in? Any of the Christmas ones?

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Just taken a listen to "You are New York City"! What a brilliant picture it paints! Takes me back to my spending Thanksgiving there in 2002 during a teacher exchange year! Very atmospheric....

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thanks for that Robert - much appreciated. I taught in primary schools too and 'Edgy' published 'Primary School Christmas Musical' in 2011. I co-wrote this with the publisher. I also had 'The Last Monster in Scotland' and 'Edith's Wartime Scrapbook' published too. The former set in your part of the world! By the way I just listened to 'At Least' - mighty impressive I have to say. A positive take on broken relationships. Great tune and arrangement. You have a fine voice. Will listen to more.

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thanks for that Robert. Will listen to more of your tracks too. Good luck with the test!

Joy Helena Solomon
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Thank you so much Mick!

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Hi, Mick. I've listened to a few of your tunes. "If You Search Your Heart" is lovely and sounds as timeless as if it were a popular traditional song from a century ago. Many thanks for your review and enjoyment of "We Didn't Have Time Enough." Liv Clark from Redcar is the wonderfully emotional vocalist and Martin Rodriguez from Buenos Aires, Argentina is on the guitar. Another UK vocalist, David Luke, put just the right mood into "Down East in a Harbor Town." A couple of other songwriters who I admire and enjoy the company of: Robert Quigley (Original Quigley) from just north of Inverness and Jeana Potthoff from Lincoln Nebraska. Listen to Robert's "The Place That We Know" and "Give Me Rain." Jeana's "Dora's Lullaby" and "Bright Skies Ahead" are beautiful soundtrack themes. Scott Jordan (Ravensong), Warren Hein, The Coreys, Jim Aitken, Randall Mark, are all very personable and nice with terrific songs. Also, Joni Mitchell and Paul Simon are a couple of my favorites...Stephen Stills, too!
John Walradt

3 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thanks John - just listened to your songs and added 3 to my playlist. 'Rainflakes' is excellent as is 'We Didn't have Enough Time' but 'Down East in a harbour Town' is quite superb. All your songs are well crafted and I'll give them a few more listens in the next couple of days. I'll also check out the other artists you gave me a nod to.

John Walradt
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much, Mick! I have several more of your songs to listen to...and again to really get a good feel for them. You have some very clever ones in there with instrumentations and melodies to match...such as the Doctor tune! "New York" is interesting in the very impersonal effect the city itself has. You tell your stories very well! The other artists I mentioned will enjoy having you drop by.

Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thanks John.

Joy Helena Solomon
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Thank you so much for your review Mick and I am interested in your background. I am based in London and toying with turning some of my songs into a mini musical.Also my whole career was in Colleges/education. Thanks again.

2 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Go for it Joy! Your songs are a great fit for a school based production. Many publishing companies are looking for shows to produce. 'Out of the Ark' are probably the most popular and also 'Edgy Productions' who published three of mine. (Maybe I'm biased but they are the best!) You are very talented so go for it!

Joy Helena Solomon
over 30 days ago

Thanks Mick I will explore!

Thank you so much for your great review and nice comments about my collaborative song "Thirty Year Kiss". I appreciate great reviews from other quality members :-)

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Thanks for the kind review of "Touchdown". I grew up in the folk/rock era but migrated to jazz which probably explains the chord patterns. Glad you liked the tune and welcome to Bjam. I'll be giving some of your tunes a listen.

1 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

Thanks Bill

Robert Wuagneux
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Thank you Mick
I appreciate the kind words in your review of EVERY TIME. Sending you ONLY GREAT VIBES from Vermont, USA!!!
Peace, Rober

1 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

And you Robert.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Mick Riddell

Hello mick and welcome to Broadjam. Thanks for the sweet review. Wrote the song for a sweet shut in named Ruby many years ago. I love to sing it at my shows for seniors. Mrs Kate

1 Replies
Mick Riddell
over 30 days ago

I'm sure it goes down brilliantly Kate.

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