
Previous Comments

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

Jono, My Brother, Roy tells me you are one of his favorites, and as Pop-Lullaby Dude #1, I love your Lullaby! Always welcome another great voice to the fold. Come join me in Slumberland! - Nick

Sun Voyage
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

you have "it" Jono. Glad I found your tunes.

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

Jono--congrats on the new chart position. Develop this style and you will do well. Ya gotta have more for 'em, or you'll be a one hitter! Go for it!

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

Jono--Car Crash is a hit! It is a beautifully created and crafted piece. Great arrangement. You have a very nice voice. Do you belong to a PRO that can help you promote this song? I live in Indiana, USA. You need to get this song out there. Don't give up on it!


Brothers Bogaardt
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

Hello Jono,
I just heard your song Car Crash in my Brain, and thought it was brilliant. I loved the lyrics, the melody, and the structure of the song. It's typically something I write. I also loved the production. Good work. I was born in the Dutch East Indies (Java), and have lived in Canada for many years. I am now a singer/songwriter and produce my own songs. I have my website at: and of course I have a Dutch background. I discovered you on Broadjam, but I think you should have much more potential in the U.S.
Best regards,
you're one of the very few artists, that have impressed me.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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