Carolyn began accompanying her father on the piano and vocally at about 11. She started writing songs at the age of 14. She continued to sing at school, community events, and with her family.
She has had the opportunity to dedicate her time, interest, and passion for her first love, and calling... music. Carolyn has been a key member as a keyboard player and singer for several local bands, but prefers writing, composing, and performing her own work.
Carolyn has adopted her own style and sound, which incorporates blues and rock with international influences.
Recently Carolyn won a Northern Ontario songwriting competition and her song "Heavy Deal Goin' Down" was featured on the MooseTrax compilation CD as well as receiving regular airplay on all MooseFM radio stations. Carolyn also enjoys performing in theatre and is involved in the arts.


This Artist has 1 Album

Carolyn McCormack Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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