Former DJ from Los Angeles, 1989-2002. Composer/Producer, creating tracks of multi genres in Las Vegas. Seeking label, publishing, soundtrack or production licensing deal.

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DEBUT 12/05/2015


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 3 Videos


This Artist has 3 Playlists


Chris Hebert
over 30 days ago to BFATAL

"Happy and Free" is a nice track!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Wow! I forgot that whenever you add a track for a submission it shows up. Thank you, I enjoyed your track"Got Love" as well. Maybe we can collaborate on some stuff? Email me when you get a minute.

over 30 days ago to BFATAL

I'M BAAAACCCKK! I've been away for a while and gonna reach for the next level. When you can check out the comeback instrumental track: GANGSTAS FOR GOD!

Stay Blessed,

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to BFATAL

Dear BFATAL, Love your composition, we just recently gave it 5 Stars & Likes!! I really love the sound of when the Piano and acoustic Guitar come in at :29's so amazing and incredibly beautiful!!! It actually took my breath away!!! Wish we had written it!!!
Great Song!!!
We have written a tune about the 9/11 entitled, "On An Ordinary Tuesday". If you get a chance, we'd love you to hear that composition......we think you might enjoy the song and hopefully be moved by it.........
Marg & Art Corey/BMI

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your kind words, Margie & Art Corey! I will definitely take a listen to "On An Ordinary Tuesday" later tonight.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

BFATAL............Hope you like it!
M & A Corey

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