Beck Fielding's vocals are powerfully resonant...her lyrics, poignant and inspiring...her music contemporary, with a unique blending of jazz, singer-songwriter, soul, blues, and folk alternative. Sharing a moment with Beck will leave you with an epoch of memories...
With impressive guitar play and stunning voice Beck, is an earthed as a human being who has lived many of our lives, learnt from these experiences, and come out as a messenger of love - through song and the way she lives.
Nestled somewhere between the rawness of Tracey Chapmen, purity of Eva Cassidy and versatility and depth of Nora Jones, Beck sits comfortably in her own genre, moving easily between mellow, soulful song and lighthearted catchy tune.
"Beck's entire catalogue is worth a listen, live if possible because some of the things she does just don't make it onto disc adequately. That is just a good excuse to catch one of her shows." John Chesher, Songwriting Society of Australia.
Latest News
After a short three months on, two of Beck's songs have made it to two Top Ten charts!
"Almost Touched Love" has featured at #2 on the Pop-Alternative chart and #9 on the Australian chart. It continues to feature on the Pop-Alternative chart.
"Bluer than the Moon" has featured at #3 on the Pop-Alternative chart.
We're hoping for a synch real soon ;-)