James Hamilton
Multi- genre singer, songwriter..producer...vocal coach...pianist

Latest News

February 11, 2018 I will be speaking at Second Baptist Church 436 S 13th Avenue
Maywood, Illinois 60153. I will be introducing new music but mostly speaking on my trials in 2017 ..and surviving a near-fatal trucking accident that made me an amputee. Keep me in your prayers. Blessings to you



This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 2 Playlists


Soul Man
over 30 days ago to James Hamilton

Looking to find out more about the history of Scars of Love and Dancin Vibes session. Please get in touch when you get a minute.

1 Replies
James Hamilton
over 30 days ago

Scars of Love and Dancing Vibes was written in the mid 80"s by James Hamilton and recorded by the band Rif Raf along with 6 or 7 songs also on the album..

over 30 days ago to James Hamilton

Hi James, thanks for your review of Love Can Be True. I appreciate your comments and time. Toni

1 Replies
James Hamilton
over 30 days ago

No problem Toni...keep up the good work.

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to James Hamilton

James, Thank you for the review and listen to my Little Drummer Boy...First heard this as a recording in church in the 60's....loved it ever since...
My producer loves feedback so he will see this review...I am a Celtic/Folk singer so any time you would care to give any of my songs a listen you would be most welcome....a friend in music...Delta

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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