Emergency Exit is an alternative/rock band from Calgary. They live on the same street and decided to form a band. As time passed, their skills improved and they developed a distinctive sound that is still changing. The sound consists of driving drums, loud and prominent bass catchy guitar and lyrics about growing up with music. The oldest member in the band is 13 yrs old.

Latest News

Two new songs!! Sounds of Spring and Hey Soul Sister. Check them out.
We would appreciate any constructive criticism as we are a young band and have lots of room for improvement.
We reached 700 song plays!
working on a lot of new msuic so it will be up soon.

musician Bios

Emergency Exit started three years ago. We are a alternative band.
Our drummer is the oldest in the band. His name is Liam . He has a strong influence on the band and keeps a crazy beat.
Now on to Matt he is the second oldest in the band. He is the bassist and backup vocals. Matt has the rhythm in his blood.
Brighid is the second youngest in the band. She is our lead singer. She also plays the piano in our band. Ethan is the youngest in the band he is the lead guitarist. He strives for excellence and nothing less.


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 2 Videos


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Cara J
over 30 days ago to Emergency Exit

Love the lyrics.... super creative.. YEAH

Emergency Exit
over 30 days ago to Emergency Exit

Hey everyone. Just so you know, we are no longer Emergency Exit. We are now called Collective We. You can search us up at REVERBENATION.

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to Emergency Exit

EE, Thanks for listening in. I like your Water Song, but for me, its the Whiskey Song. Never Grow Old! _ Old Nick

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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