I've developed a passion for combining different elements of American music with my blues roots guitar playing and my songwriting. I've also devoted alot of time in the recent years to engineering and producing, so when the time came to finally release some material of my own all of those elements began to morph into one.

The songs I write come from very personal experiences: my family, the way I see my world, things that bother me about myself. If you are a songwriter, you know the drill. We share the most important things in our lives through our passion---music.

I enjoy helping others make great music as much as I enjoy making my own. I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, engineer, producer

Beallstreet Bio

Beallstreet is the nickname that I acquired while living in Nashville a while back. I grew up playing blues guitar...Memphis was right down the road in those days...my last name is Beall. Go figure.

Over the years, I've developed a passion for combining different elements of American music with my blues roots guitar playing and my songwriting. I've also devoted alot of time in the recent years to engineering and producing, so when the time came to finally release some material of my own all of those elements began to morph into one. For me it's like a beautifully artistic juggling match---challenging but emotionally rewarding all the while.

The songs I write come from very personal experiences: my family, the way I see my world, things that bother me about myself. If you are a songwriter, you know the drill. We share the most important things in our lives through our passion---music.

I enjoy helping others make great music as much as I enjoy making my own. I am a songwriter, singer, guitarist, engineer, producer, and hot rod enthusiast.


This Artist has 1 Album


Bobbi Wilson
over 30 days ago to Chris Beall

oh my goodness, isn't that the truth? that things are never what we remember...

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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