CC Carter's music is deeply rooted in  both old fashioned and Alt Country music storytelling, (beer, blood and break-up) social commentary, both bitter and tender love songs, a cautionary tale or two, Appalachian inspired ballads, and a few environmental and dystopian warning songs. But for the most part, he just wants to tell you a good story. His song Wind from Avalon is about the battle of Gettysburg. The Moral of This Story is about moderation and the choices that we make. Dirt Road Girl is pure fun Country Music and just a little bawdy. 
The songs are written mostly in the Country/Americana Genre with Blues, Rock, Honky-Tonk and many other influences thrown in. He does not consider himself to be a political song writer but he is also not afraid to speak his mind. His song Insidious, co written with Phil Asinc; (guitar solo by Pearse Kelly) was inspired by the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin and is available as a free download here.

Sounds Like: Greg Brown, John Prine

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CC Carter current projects and news.

CC Carter will be releasing an 11 song collection of Country and Americana music; Rodeo Clown in 2024. His book of short poetry, After the rain, The Sun, is still available at and elsewhere. He is in the editing phase of a second book of poetry, A World Without Birds, to be released fall or winter 2024. He is also writing for another collection of songs and finishing a book of Florida based short stories. A&R reps please contact him directly at: 

CC Carter

CC Carter is a songwriter in both the alt and traditional country genres with a large influence of Blues and Rock. He has more than 100 published songs to his credit. He he feels that a Songwriter's job is to tell you a thought-provoking and entertaining story set to a melody. In essence, he is a storyteller with a guitar. A&R reps, Solo artists or bands looking for great cover material please give his music a listen and contact the artist directly at

CC Carter - Biography

CC Carter's music is written primarily as a good story set to a melody. Both alternative and traditional country influenced by rock and blues are his go to genres. Not at all afraid to speak his mind, he also writes social and political commentary. The song Insidious, (reggae/rock co- written with Phil Asinc) was inspired by the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin near Orlando Florida, 2012 and remains as pertinent as ever today, along with the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the rise of the Black Lives Matter Movement. His song The Ninety-Nine, was inspired by the World Wide Occupy Movement and still gets some European airplay. Big Oil, Big Coal, was inspired by the Deep Water Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil rig ecological disaster and by the Big Branch coal mine explosion (West Virginia) which killed twenty nine miners. Degenerate corporate greed being the underlying causal factor in both instances.
His songs also include love songs, both the bitter and the sweet, ballads, humorous songs and cautionary tales and are influenced by many topics, countless artists, styles, and genres. The three songs mentioned above and fifty more are posted at this site; cc carter music broadjam,
CC Carter is still in the main a keen observer and an interesting storyteller. His most current 5 song release under the band name Zero, entitled 20/20 with his old Culture of Fear band mate and long time collaborator Phil Asinc, will not be at this site, but will be on the Bandzoogle Platform under the newly formed umbrella. (Please check it out!) The songs are Industrial Dystopian Rock, written just prior to Covid 19, and were and are a call for World Justice and to honor the world-wide front line protesters from Hong Kong to Paris, standing in solidarity against social injustice everywhere and back dropped by the terrifying escalation of Global Warming. In stark juxtuposition to that dark material, he has an 11 song release due out in the summer of 2024 called Rodeo Clown. Just pure roots Country and Americana storytelling. Listen, like, follow, share. A&R reps, artists and bands who have an interest in recording CC Carter
Please contact him direct:
CC is also a short story writer, painter and poet.
CD's :
Kill your Television 2005
American Son 2009
This Pretty Life 2012
Dragonfly 2015
ZERO 20/20 2020
And the soon to be released
Rodeo Clown 2024


Joseph Miller
over 30 days ago to CC Carter Music

Ha.... Love that little "Dirt Road Girl" Song... made me smile... Well Done !!!

CC Carter Music
over 30 days ago to CC Carter Music

hey man you are fun and insightful. i really like your music. whatcha doing lately?

5 Replies
carey brazil
over 30 days ago

Hey CC! I had a little hiatus in which I built a new studio and upgraded everything. Then, I went to work and did a new cd as well as did some recording/producing for some clients. Now, I'm back in the game and ready to rock with some new tracks that are what I consider to be competitive quality wise even more so than my previous work. We'll see!! Thank you for your positive comments.

carey brazil
over 30 days ago

Hey CC! I had a little hiatus in which I built a new studio and upgraded everything. Then, I went to work and did a new cd as well as did some recording/producing for some clients. Now, I'm back in the game and ready to rock with some new tracks that are what I consider to be competitive quality wise even more so than my previous work. We'll see!! Thank you for your positive comments.

carey brazil
over 30 days ago

Hey CC! I had a little hiatus in which I built a new studio and upgraded everything. Then, I went to work and did a new cd as well as did some recording/producing for some clients. Now, I'm back in the game and ready to rock with some new tracks that are what I consider to be competitive quality wise even more so than my previous work. We'll see!! Thank you for your positive comments.

carey brazil
over 30 days ago

Hey CC! I had a little hiatus in which I built a new studio and upgraded everything. Then, I went to work and did a new cd as well as did some recording/producing for some clients. Now, I'm back in the game and ready to rock with some new tracks that are what I consider to be competitive quality wise even more so than my previous work. We'll see!! Thank you for your positive comments.

carey brazil
over 30 days ago

Hey CC! I had a little hiatus in which I built a new studio and upgraded everything. Then, I went to work and did a new cd as well as did some recording/producing for some clients. Now, I'm back in the game and ready to rock with some new tracks that are what I consider to be competitive quality wise even more so than my previous work. We'll see!! Thank you for your positive comments.

Joseph Miller
over 30 days ago to CC Carter Music

Letters from Iraq...
Excellent lyrics and well... hell of a tune... very Dylan like. Good job... stain on my soul, Desert Vietnam... you did a couple good tunes on Iraq... must be close to you. Joe

1 Replies
CC Carter Music
over 30 days ago

Thank You. It was on my mind.

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