I'm an electronic sound producer, making catchy pop songs three minutes long. I'm 31 yo, born in Moscow, Russia, located in different countries at a different time. I write music for 13 years, remaking and reinventing my own songs, making them better until I understand it's complete. My EP of three songs was released on a small label in USA in 2014.

Sounds Like: I really don't like references


Greg Johnson
over 30 days ago to Ogorod

Ogorod, in looking at your lyrics, I'm guessing English is not your first language, or probably not your second or third? If I had to have such a bad review, I'm really relieved it came from someone who writes the way you do!!!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Please, don't be offended. I'm seeking a constructive critique of my own songs and promise not to be offended. Anyway, are you here for compliments or for improving? Or are you totally confident you're good enough? Yes, English is not my native language, but don't let the mistakes, if there are any, lead you away from the sense

over 30 days ago

I also would be really grateful if you indicate the mistakes in the lyrics

over 30 days ago to Ogorod

Thanks for trashing my song Footsteps in the Hallway. The world is so incredibly blessed to have your expertise gracing us. How is it you can stand to walk amongst us mere mortals? You must find it terribly distressful to have to live amongst us.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Please, don't be offended. I am seeking constructive comments for my songs and I promise not to be offended

David James
over 30 days ago to Ogorod

Hi. Thank you for your review of 'Minimal'. Much appreciated. David.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey, hope it will help you and you're not offended by my critique

David James
over 30 days ago

No, not at all. I think your comments were constructive and useful.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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