
Previous Comments

Delima Marker
over 30 days ago to William Ben Brooks

nice album

Delima Marker
over 30 days ago to William Ben Brooks

nice album

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago to William Ben Brooks

Very interesting & unique tracks on here William! Added a few to my playlist! ~GP

over 30 days ago to William Ben Brooks

Hi William. I noticed that you were on the top 10 in the Broadjam New York charts. I like your writing very much. I have a song there as well.
Check out my website:
Perhaps there is a potential collaboration for us.

Lee Kweller

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to William Ben Brooks

Hi William,

Thanks for the kind review of my song, "Tell Me What The Count Is".
It comes from my award-winning 1972 album, "Time Loop".

Stop by and listen to more, if you are so inclined.

I've been on a wee bit of a roll at Broadjam.
My song, " Jezebel", won the February 2012 Best Song Award.
Also, they just announced that my song, "Waving Prairie", (title tune to my second album), just won the April 2012 Best Song Award at Broadjam.

Hope to get your feedback.


Chet Nichols
Inductee-The Kansas Music Hall of Fame

Stephen GC
over 30 days ago to William Ben Brooks

Hi William...listening to "A Hard Left"...nice tune! You should submit to the YouBloom Music Awards (free) at

Stephen GC

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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