SHADOW SOUND DESIGN, a division of Ambimorpheous Recordings is now providing mastering services upon request. Please use contact page and insert mastering as subject.
Now Available!!!---
AR 008 / ARPI 004- Beeinflussingsapparat Mass
- Pro Pressed CDr in slimline jewelbox
Release Date - 09 July 2008
Releases coming soon!!!---
AR 009 - Lithopaedion- The Scarlet Apocalypse
- Format and Release Date - Pending
AR 010 / ARPI 005 - VA - The Ten Commandments
- Pro Pressed CDr in Public and Private Issues
Release Date - Pending
Late breaking News:
Mercury Project is currently recording tracks for a future release.
Latest News
SHADOW SOUND DESIGN, a division of Ambimorpheous Recordings is now providing mastering services upon request. Please use contact page and insert mastering as subject.
A View So Cruel
We're currently working with A View So Cruel on their new album, Render, to be released on Rotorblade Records!!! Timothy and Susan are coming out this weekend to track guitars for the the title track!!! A View So Cruel will be appearing March 27th at the God Save The Scene show at The Symposium and April 27th as support for Faith and The Muse coming to the Phantasy!!! Both venues are in Lakewood, Ohio!!!
Of Swine and Swill

We're done with it, here's a brief description...
Like an ancient bottle of Absinthe found buried in some dark cellar, you've discovered something very unique here. Elements of the classics, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath and Hawkwind perfume the air as an aural louche, sonic clouds swirling with Industrial soundscapes a la Deutsch Nepal or In Slaughter Natives, with a touch of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Stephen Petrus (Murderous Vision) and John Potter (Flintknap/Murderous Vision) created the initial concepts for Of Swine and Swill as childhood friends. Musical discussions turned to all night experimentations. Recording sessions turned into weekends, then weeks of nothing but the music. Over the course of the summer of '08, Stephen and John blended their rock and electronic roots into a finely honed project, with over an hour of material recorded. With the addition of Rick Pflueger (Reichardt Van Grieken, Rambler 454) contributing vocals on two tracks, and eventually joining the project full time, the circle has been made complete.Without the constraints nor boundaries of any one genre, the music of Of Swine and Swill is very personal, introspective and emotional, a palette of color, aggressive yet subtle. Atmospheric, yet never a passive listen!
Dan McCoy and The Standing 8's!!

Here it is!!! The new CD from Dan McCoy and The Standing 8's!!! The Journeyman is on it's way to the replication plant as this is being written and should be available by Mid June directly from the RVGNoise website!!!
Lots of Down home Blue Collar Rock & Roll for the Bar or the Bar-B-Que!!!
Lords New 'Monster' ...Dead!!!

Another CD mastered by Shadow Sound Design is on its way to the Pressing plant!!! Released on RVG Noise, Lords of The Highway's new CD, "Die, Monster, Die" is a Psycho-SiFi-Punk-O'billy kick in the face!!! Full of beer, sex, aliens, superhuman truckers and all sorts of vile, belly dancing trailer trash!!! What else is there to live for??? Oh, yeah... Stand Up Basses!!! More info at
Murderous Vision Mastered!!!

The new Murderous Vision release, Frozen in Morphia is mastered and now available via the Live Bait site.
Shadow Sound Design - Mastering!
Recently, we've expanded the services we provide with Shadow Sound Design to include full service mastering.
We just completed work with RVG Recording artist, Church of The Lazy Bastards. Their alt-country debut CD, Deviant Life is now available at RVG Noise website.

If you have a project that requires those finishing touches to take it to the next level, please inquire via the CONTACT tab and let us kniow what you need.
O.o.M. Fallout Music interview
Here are a few questions from the interview with Jeremy from Fallout Music:
Fallout Music - FM - Your name, I assume, comes from the Bible. How has (the Bible) your
spirituality played a part in your music?
Darin M Sullivan - DMS - Yes, it does. Melchizedek is a scarcely mentioned Biblical figure, seen as a foreshadowing of Christ. The Order of Melchizedek was basically his followers. My spiritual journey is a rather interesting topic, but suffices it to say, things I'm
passionate about are always reflected in some way in my music. When I started out, it seemed as though there were only a handful of bands dealing with any Christ-based themes. Everything was Satan, Serial Killers & Sex. I wanted to fit outside the mold, a main reason most subcultures are formed. Everyone had done all the 'evil', so I thought it would be a great idea, a good way to be different from the rest. Plus, I am a Christian, so it just made sense to want to make Experimental Ambient music for like minded individuals... and for anyone else who was interested.
FM - Do you feel that the spiritual overtones in your music have limited
you in anyway within the noise/ambient community?
DMS - There have been a few times I've questioned my intent, but this is my path. If I have ideas that don't quite fit into the realm of Christianity, I have created outlets for them. Some may challenge the validity of my faith with some of the other projects' I've worked with, but no one seems to remember that, as a Christian, the first thing you need to do is admit that you are not perfect. I feel that this basic principal is all but forgotten, by the Christian who judges as though they are the law AND by the pagan, who challenges everything a Christian does with perfection as a weapon of disproving the existence of Christ. No one is perfect, no one. Don't let yourself be fooled, that is where hypocrisy starts, with the misconception that, just because you've accepted Christ, you're now perfect.
FM - The community is usually overrun with artists trying to out-shock each
other with images of violence or perversion; do you think it is harder
to get your art out to the public when those elements are missing?
DMS - No, I don't even see where anything is really missing at all. If an artist feels the need, religion is a goldmine for 'Shock & Awe'! The Bible is chuck full of sex, death, plagues, disease, violence, betrayal, evil, magic... all you have to do is read it to find out.
To read the interview in it's entirety, please visit Fallout Music.
O,o,M Live Date
O.o.M. Comp appearances!!!
Order of Melchizedek will be appearing on the Vrihaspati Recordings 'Harmonious Rhythms' Compilation CD, due out later this year..
Order of Melchizedek will also be included in the line up for the Belgan Bone Structure labels upcoming 'The infamous Coffin Joe Tribute" CDr, due out in October!!!
Ambimorpheous / 7 SE7EN 7 Stuff!
It was 10 years ago, today, that I started recording under the moniker 7 SE7EN 7 with the track, Empty Vessel, Suspended Afterlife . Over the course of those next few months, I had compiled the first of my works for what was originally intended as my first live performance, which I, regretfully, had to cancel. Shortly after, Ambimorpheous Recordings was born with the release of that material, on an EXTREMELY LIMITED CDr, entitled DEMOS 1.0.
This was where it began, and 10 years later, I wanted to give something back to those who've supported me along the way, but may have missed hearing some of my earliest works. I have posted, for the next week or so, the entire 7 SE7EN 7 release, DEMOS 1.0 for you to hear at your leisure. Included with the 3 original tracks is the internet only version of Empty Vessel, Suspended Afterlife Remix 1.0!!! I hope you enjoy!!!
Visit to be directed to our MySpace page and listen away!!!
Bless & Best, my friends!!!
The Scarlet Apocalypse extended!
Work on the next Lithopædion full length is under way. The original concepts for 'The Scarlet Apocalypse' were only intended to be released as an EP, but both myself and Stephen were so pleased with how the first two tracks had sounded, we decided to head back into the studio and work on some more material.
Expect a complete departure from the lo-fi, Death Industrial sounds of their first, self titled release. 'The Scarlet Apocalypse' finds itself grounded in a much more atmospheric world, with sweeping ambient textures and ritualistic percussive passages. We will keep you posted as information becomes available. A sample of what to expect should be posted in the Sounds section within the next several weeks.
Order of Black Vision 04/05/06!!
Finishing touches are now being completed on the Order of Black Vision 3" CDr and it will be available for release on the 5th of this month!!!!! Check back soon...
My Space page up and running.
My Space has been Ambimorphed!!!!
Art for O.o.B.V. 3
Hey kiddies!!! The artwork is back from the printers for O.o.B.V.'s Twenty Minutes Til Execution CDr. All that needs to happen now is the burning of the CDrs!!!! And then, of course, the ordering!!!! Don't forget to get yourself a copy!!! This will be a limited run of only 500 copies..., including a special editiion of 20 copies which include a salvation coin!!!
Order of Black Vision CDr Soon!
File under Dark Ambient / Experimental
Order of Black Vision is a culmination of talents consisting of members from Murderous Vision , Black Mayonnaise and Order of Melchizedek. While hanging out in the studio, they all began sharing ideas and an impromptu recording session took place. This work consisted of one twenty minute track entitled, 'Twenty Minutes Till Execution'. Musically, the piece is very experimental, with a creepy 50's Si Fi feel to it. Dark and brooding ambient music from the shadows of outer space!!! As far as subject matter goes, this piece is a dedication of sorts to one, Sean Sellers.
Twenty Minutes Til Execution is scheduled to be released in April on 3" CDr from Ambimorpheous Recordings.
Lithopædion Is Available!!!
File under Cold, lo-fi Power Electronics / Death Industrial:
Lithopædion's self titled CD is finally available!!! Relying very little on song titles or a ton of 'theme induced' artwork to tell the haunting tales, Lithopædion have created a release that's disturbing and evocative, allowing the listerer's twisted imagination to fill in their own depraved blanks as to what exaactly this all means.
Lithopædion is available in 3 editions; a standard issue Pro Pressed CDr in a jewel case with black disc art, a limited Pro Pressed CDr in a jewel case with silver disc art and a bonus track (only available for 7 months after release date!!!!), and a Private issue in special packaging on a black hand made CDr with bonus video and a glow in the dark button!!! This edition is limited to only 20 copies. For ordering information, please see releases page!!!!
Other MP3 Links
Order of Melchizedek
7 SE7EN 7
Order of Black Vision
Top Ten List as of 02 December,
7 SE7EN 7 - Abyss (Intro) has entered the Ohio Top 10 at Broadjam! #1
7 SE7EN 7 - Abyss (Intro) has entered the Electronic Top 10 at Broadjam! #10
7 SE7EN 7 - Abyss (Intro) has entered the Midwest Top 10 at Broadjam! #10
Order of Melchizedek - Deep in Prayer I & II has entered the Electronic - Ambient Top 10 at Broadjam! #8
7 SE7EN 7 - Abyss (Intro) has entered the Electronic - Ambient Top 10 at Broadjam! #3
7 SE7EN 7 - A Death On A Cross has entered the Electronic - Industrial Top 10 at Broadjam! #7
7 SE7EN 7 - Abyss (Intro) has entered the Production - Other Tempo Top 10 at Broadjam! #3
Order of Melchizedek - Deep in Prayer I & II has entered the Ohio Top 10 at Broadjam! #7
Copy & Paste the link below into your browser to check it out.
Lithopædion is coming!!!!
The new, debut CDr from the power electronics outfit, Lithopædion, is on it's way... stay tuned!!!!!...
A Death On A Cross hits #7!!!
As of 24 November, 7 SE7EN 7's track, 'A Death On A Cross' reached #7 on Broadjam.coms Electronic / Industrial charts!!!!!
A Death On A Cross hits #8!!!
7 SE7EN 7's A Death On A Cross has reached #8 in Broadjam.coms Electronic - Industrial charts as of 19 November!!! Copy & paste this link to see entire top ten... then search Electronic - Industrial to follow the progress!!!