A Million Sparkles on the Water

The compositions included here were done with Ableton Live 11 using both the session view and the linear view. Ableton's MIDI library is nothing short of spectacular as is their included mastering suite. I have also purchased several new electric guitars. This arsenal includes a red 25th Anniversary Fender Squire, a blue Fender Squire, a beautiful Ibanez figured maple AR, a 2005 satin sunburst Fender Stratocaster, and an ebony 2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard. Many of the guitar effects were achieved by a combination of my Line6 Spider 2x12; my Fender DSP; and my Temple Pedal Board with multi-effects including devices by LovePedal, T.C. Electronics, Xotic, Friedman, Emerson and Electro Harmonix. Some of the guitar tones are the combination of upwards of six duplicate tracks, each processed with slight variations. For example, I used my blue Fender Squire on "Atmospheric Terminus". Quite a little flamethrower she is. However, the guitar tone is built using four tracks this time spread to stereo. One being the initial take from the Line6 Spider fed to one track with an A/B split via the Temple Pedal Board with the Xotic Compressor and Emerson Scranton activated. The A/B split results in track two. The two duplicate tracks utilize a compressor module, a ping-pong digital delay and a three band EQ plug-in with +10K dialed to zero and bass frequencies rolled off below 250 Hz; along with a Fender Twin Reverb Cabinet Model and a "hot tubes" processor. Much of the keyboard work is again utilized from the Ableton Live 11 MIDI library. The keyboard work begins with a simple grand piano or Fender Rhodes electric piano patch played from my Yamaha P120 Professional Piano with MIDI in-out. The keyboard tracks are then duplicated. A specific MIDI patch is assigned to the duplicate track and off we go. A variety of string ensembles, Moog tones, velocity and movement synths were applied. Song inspiration was sourced mostly from the passing of my mother.

A Million Sparkles On The Water
Rock - Progressive Rock
Plays: 66
Atmospheric Terminus
Rock - Progressive Rock
Plays: 44
Deep Below and Far Above
Electronic - House
Plays: 28
Deep In The Night Sky
Electronic - House
Plays: 38
Electronic - House
Plays: 60
Further Light
Electronic - House
Plays: 38
Horizon of Moonlight
Electronic - Downbeat
Plays: 19
My Heart Is Open To You
Electronic - General
Plays: 47
Snow Peaks
Electronic - Dance
Plays: 30
Under The Tree Forever
Rock - Progressive Rock
Plays: 38
Crazy Cat Shuffle
Blues - Rock
Plays: 39
I Might Remember You
Jazz - Modern
Plays: 26
Rock - Progressive Rock
Plays: 66

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