Beautiful Savior

When thinking of things that are beautiful, most people quickly list: the sunrise, the sunset, the stars in space, flowers and all nature, music, dance, and children. When something is beautiful it is natural to mention or praise that thing; how natural then is should be for every man, woman, and child, to mention something as beautiful as the Redeemer of our very souls. Through the music of my heart, I bear testimony that Jesus Christ lives, He loves each one of us, and He is the beautiful Savior of love.

Beautiful Savior
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 469
A Long Time Ago
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 5,207
Because I Have Faith
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 298
The Lord is My Light
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 110
His Miracles
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 242
I Believe in Christ
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 224
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 209
If You Ask Me What I Want
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 184
One By One
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 278
Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 71
We Will Follow Him Forever
Unique - Gospel
Plays: 184

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