David G. Van Sise Sr. is Skydogs 25.
with periodic songwriting collaborators, Dave takes his talents to a new level, recording all instruments, singing and production.
with Rock, Classic Rock, Light Rock, Country, Country Rock, Blues and Blues Rock, Dave is unstoppable.
born in 1959, and a Tradesman for 30 years, Dave now focuses on his original loves of songwriting and singing.

Sounds Like: Boston


Skydogs 25
over 30 days ago to Skydogs 25

On numberonemusic.com, Skydogs 25 is still#1 for the passed 2 and 1/2 weeks and "Steel Stallion" is
STILL NUMBER 1 in the whole state of Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

Skydogs 25
over 30 days ago to Skydogs 25

https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1 387766062

Skydogs 25
over 30 days ago to Skydogs 25

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?li st=PL-qy_pSY9wd_faOzt3TINnHp77PmKg3 vV

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