Clay and Gerry of Saintclay write, publish and perform original music in various musical styles and genres.

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The Music.......

Saintclay's original music ranges from rock to country rock...pop to instrumental soundtracks.

Saintclay's CD "Resolved":

"Starting with debut single “My Blue Room” duo SAINTCLAY exhibit a love for great pop hooks and lush harmonies that almost single out particular artists at certain moments. Along with “Pain” and oddly enough, second single “We Could Do More”, SAINTCLAY shine a light on seventies meets eighties band America and land sweetly somewhere in the middle. The other nearly 80% of the disc pull from either late Beatles (Near You, Look at Me, The Gardner & Goodbye) and classic seventies band the Eagles (For So Long & Where is True Love). All bands known for great hooks and incredible harmonies and SAINTCLAY pull it off marvelously adding their own bits and pieces here and there. A highly recommended release for those who love the above mentioned bands as well as, get this, animals! SAINTCLAY contributes sales of their disc to area animal support centers, groups, etc. Just one more reason to pick one up!"

"Resolved" CD Review by John "Stoney" Cannon


This Artist has 1 Album
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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