I'm a pop songwriter based in Adelaide, Australia. My passion is creating catchy, uplifting songs with lyrics that are easy to connect with.

I was named as a Finalist in the UK Songwriting Contest (2022), and you can hear my songs under the artist profile 'Mathan Sathy' on all major streaming platforms.

You can reach me via contact@mathansathy.com


Hi Mathan,
Thank you so much for the 5-star rating of my song: Mom's Journey Home. I appreciate you stopping by to have a listen and am glad you like the song.

I see that you are in Australia. My wife Jane is from Australia as well... from Sydney. We met on the internet, got married and she's been here in America now for 24 years. She wrote the lyrics on several of my songs... in fact she wrote the lyrics on six of our seven original Christmas songs! Check them out and you may see/hear a reference or two to her Aussie homeland! https://www.broadjam.com/albums/fra nkpietrantoni/franklps-christmas-mu sic

While I am here I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Stay and be well!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Mathan Sathy

WOW! "Fine" is just that, wow! Great production, vocals, the whole package very pro brother...Kudos!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Mathan Sathy

Hello and thanks much for listening to Too Much I Don't Know, APPRECIATED!
Take care,

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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