Sixteen year old Kara Harris is a native of California's rural San Joaquin Valley, where she is rapidly gaining a loyal following through performances at various fairs, festivals and clubs. With influences as varied as Ryan Adams, The Beatles, Nick Drake and Bob Dylan, Kara Harris has developed a style that is uniquely her own. Her songs deliver a combination of youthful energy and soulful maturity that belies her young age.
Listening to the 12 tracks of original songs on the CD, "Keep On Walkin'", one quickly hears influences from across the spectrum (alternative, rock, country, folk, adult contemporary), and can't help but be impressed with Kara's ability to successfully unite these varying styles into a sound that truly is her own.
Her debut CD, "Keep On Walkin'", was introduced in January 2005, and 10% of the sales will be given to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.