

Hey there,
I grew up in Florida, but i got to Texas as quick as i could (via divorce) and the usual suspects , including me were shocked as heck to find that you cant run from your problems. Trouble seems to find me, wherever I am. LOL . Like the old saying says, " If it weren't for dirt, i'd have no dirt at all."  Somehow, i've found myself searching for a "muse" , whether that's a sweet Texas breeze or a beautiful and gentle woman. Anyhow,  thank the Lord , i'm a lover & only fight when i'm forced to  ;)  

ps. I never claimed to be a quitar player nor much of a singer,  but i do love the instrument and welcome constructive comments. There's always plenty of wide open space for self improvement & every day is a new beginning. Amen.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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