3 Foot Circle
Here is the story of how Dr. McMusiment called us to be in existence.
On a peaceful night, four brawny men went into a quiet basement, there, sweet music was born. The first song to be was called the Ballad of Fagboy, it consisted primarily of a 12 bar blues and a pentatonic scale.
More songs came about throughout time, and the musings of 3 Foot Circle became known as the greatest music to grace this earth. And so a Legend was born.
The first battle of the bands played proved to be too much for their preparation, they tried to do too much, and they failed... At the end of the day, the crowd was disappointed... This, however, did not crush the spirits of 3 Foot Circle, it made them stronger.
The second battle of the bands was a success, a success measurable only by the gods themselves. Gigs were throwing themselves at the Circle's three feet, and soon, they became a world phenomenon, joining the likes of Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and Creed.
Haven't heard of them? Let me tell you why...
The phenomenon was so strong, their influence so great, that the Secret Government that controls the world and all its leaders had to render the human mind incapable of easily recognizing this music... "Wait, but how?" You may ask; a slight change to all human DNA did just enough. All record of the Circle was erased...
You still hear this music, it's in every video game, and every movie. In fact nature itself stole the Circle's music. You now hear and regard it as ambient, "natural" noise...
However, we have come to enlighten you, 3 Foot Circle is back, in the form of Bass, Guitar, and Drums - sound perceivable and noticed by the human ear.
How is this possible? Dr. McMusiment called his four cohorts of the mystery realm and instilled their souls and talent into human bodies. We are those chosen four, these are Dr. McMusiment's melodic plunders.
Now go mortal, listen to the will of Dr. McMusiment, while we rock your soul.