WVMO Interview Part 2

Song Description

Part 2 of my interview on WVMO had some interesting music, some I haven't heard in quite a while. Joe Martin and I had been talking about being on the road, hence "Keep Your Motor Oiled" from The Midwesterners Ridin' With Chuck CD 2006. Then he played a song of mine from the first Clicker album 1973 called "Spring". I thought today could be links day, so here is a link to the song on my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/kT8TqLaqLFY Then Joe played Kristy & The Wild Blue Yonder Boys (Kristy Larson) doing the Patsy Cline song "Let The Teardrops Fall" from Potts Inn 1985. https://youtu.be/vVrenMtSosQ This is live video of the band doing that song (scroll to 4:15). In fact you can watch the whole set there, and the other two sets too. You might have to search around a bit on my channel. www.youtube.com/c/richardwiegelmusic Then Joe played "Clay St. Rag" from my solo CD Magic Wind 2017. Clay St. was the street my family grew up on in Darlington and this video is an homage to that. https://youtu.be/klNpFEgBD-o Then Joe played "Carolina" from The Midwesterners 1st self-titled CD 1991. What we didn't get to in the interview is that Mark Haines (Midwesterners drummer) and I are remixing the whole album. Last year was the 30 year anniversary and we had planned on doing it then, but covid and "Mud" got in the way. Would you like to see the video we made for the song 30 years ago? https://youtu.be/m_-tP6AoNf8 And finally how about a big finish with The Midwesterners "Ridin' With Chuck" at the 2007 Madison Area Music Awards? https://youtu.be/8U_MVDP4_hw So links day.

Song Length 32:11 Genre Rock - Americana

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