
Song Length 4:13 Genre Folk - Alternative, Unique - Unclassified
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Miserable, Quiet Subject Loneliness, Regret
Language English Era 2000 and later



This is a lonely Island far out on a misty sea.
Like something God's forgotten, that wasn't meant to be.
Restless waves are chafing with their icy, salty hands;
The stony beach keeps ringing, voicing terrible commands.
I see no way to reach you, I've one oar but lost my boat.
There is no point in shouting, all my words stick in my throat.

Chorus There is a haunting folk song sang by people from islands:
Hailing heroes that master seas - but cannot help their tears.

I am no salty hero, I'm not good at facing up.
I wish that I could go away and make this music stop;
but nothing ever goes away, it's all here on the sand;
in sharper stones and rounder stones upon this piece of land.
Perhaps you'll take my hand and help me reach into your heart:
I need to be there with you, need to know we'll never part.

Chorus There is a haunting folk song sang by people from islands:
Hailing heroes that master seas - but cannot help their tears.

'Cause this is a lonely Island far out on a misty sea.
Like something God's forgotten, that wasn't meant to be.

Lyrics The Making Stones Smile Project Music The Making Stones Smile Project
Producer The Making Stones Smile Project Publisher The Making Stones Smile Project
Performance The Making Stones Smile Project Label The Making Stones Smile Project

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