Speak Low

Song Length 1:00 Genre Blues - Chicago


Speak Low...

Kurt Weill

Speak low when you speak love
Our summer day withers away too soon, too soon

Speak low when you speak love
Our moment is swift, like ships adrift, we're swept apart, too soon

Speak low, darling, speak low
Love is a spark, lost in the dark too soon, too soon.

I feel wherever I go
That tomorrow is near,
Tomorrow is here and always too soon,

Time is so old and love so brief
Love is pure gold and time a thief.

We're late, darling, we're late,
The curtain descends, everything ends too soon, too soon.

I wait, darling, I wait,
Will you speak low to me, speak love to me and soon...

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All You need To Make Music (Stark Reality)
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April and U (1)
Jazz - Contemporary
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April and U (2)
Jazz - Bossa Nova
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April and U (3)
Jazz - Bossa Nova
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April and U(guitar)
Jazz - Bossa Nova
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April and U (Harry Allen/saxophone)
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April and U*(jazz/contemporary)
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