
Song Length 4:32 Genre Blues - Gospel, World - World Beat
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Mixed Vocals
Mood Composed, Moving Subject Hope, Recovery
Similar Artists Michael Jackson, Peter Gabriel Language English
Era 2000 and later


I was looking for a beacon in the darkness
Trying to find a long awaited dream
But you told me our lives are just a thread
Broken into many ways

I was looking for redemption in the city
Different ways would lead me road ahead
But you know that some things just can't be found
You've got to look inside to find

Keep on looking, keep on fighting
Everything will come together
Keep on praying, and believing
Everything will piece together

Lyrics Paulo Lara Music Paulo Lara
Producer Flavio Marchesin & Paulo Lara Publisher Independent
Performance Paulo Lara Label Independent

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