The Right Side Of The Road

Song Length 3:42 Genre Folk - Contemporary, Folk - Rock
Lead Vocal Male Vocal


Neil Robertson - Lead Vocals, Mandolin, Tambourine, Shaker, Handclaps, Backing Vocals

Well I'm standing up here on Rucker's Hill
And I'm stewing like miserable fuckers will
And I'm thinking back on my life with rear vision
And I look down on to the city lights
And they look quite cool and they look quite bright
And I wonder if I made the right decision
'Cause I used to be a corporate man
With a company car like a big tin can
And a desk and a fat expense account for paying
Yeah I used to be a corporate man
With a suit and a tie and a business plan
But i threw it all away five years today

You may not understand at all
But I know I'm on the right side of the road
It took me a while just to know
That I don't fit in this nervous town
With its need for speeding to a quick breakdown
And I don't want no piece of it
I know I've gotta just let go
I don't want no piece of it at all

Then I met an old friend from the company days
And he looked quite old and he looked quite dazed
And the big frown holding his face down screamed out loud
He said "Hey there mate, my life's fucked up
I've got a job that I hate that I can't give up
I got a wife and a kid that I never see at all"

I said "Hey my friend, I don't understand
If its all so bad where's your other plan?
If your house was burning down, would you be praying?
I've walked for a while on my side of the road
And it feels quite good so I finally know
That this is the place I will be staying"

But he didn't understand at all
Felt like I was talking to a wall
Its no good waiting for applause
'Cause buried dreams don't last
And the world spins fast so you'd best not pause

You've gotta get a piece of it
And you've gotta not let go
You've gotta find peace with you
On the right side of the road
Whatever your truth may be
Whatever you may love most
You've gotta go meet with it
On the right side of the road

Lyrics Neil Robertson Music Neil Robertson
Producer Neil Robertson Publisher Neil Robertson
Performance Neil Robertson Label Neil Robertson

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A Brief History Of Time
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Motor Run Hot
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Rocking The World
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Walk Away
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Judgement Day
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