I enjoyed the sound palate. Lots of strings and then the electric guitar playing some wicked riffs! I really liked the arpeggiated acoustic guitar. Very creative song... seemed to build on the beginning theme, and end the same way it started. Song grew on me more with each listen.
Cool piece with ethnic sounds and effects at the start. The string section pulses along with nice counter parts from guitars and plucked strings. All the motifs sewn together create a moving/rhythmic sound bed that would fit nicely under a similar visual in film/video. Nicely done.
Delightful melody. I like the strings near the end gives the piece an orchestral sound and feel. The music flows very well. Enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it.
It's a good concept. Feels light, refreshing, optimistic. I can imagine it as a background for a commercial or transition in a movie.
Absolute solid instrumentation, would go nicely in a scene from the tv show "Bonanza" or The "Rifleman"
Neautiful compostion and arrangement. Great work!