
Song Length 2:50 Genre Latin - Samba, Electronic - Drum N' Bass
Tempo Fast (151 - 170) Lead Vocal Female Vocal
Mood Gracious, Sociable Subject Heartbreak, Dysfunctional Relations
Similar Artists Black Eyed Peas Language Other
Era 2000 and later



Que bom se vida fosse
Sempre assim
O sol, a brisa e o mar
Com voce s�³ pra mim

Saudade bate agora
Aprendo a viver na solid�£o
Acaba nossa est�³ria
Amor eterno �© contradi�§�£o

Toda can�§�£o de amor
Me faz lembrar
Do tempo que j�¡ passou
E n�£o quer mais voltar

Se o mundo vai e volta
N�£o choro mais desilus�£o
Que chuva lave agora
A alma e o cora�§�£o

Se eu pudesse te esquecer
Perderia meu viver, meu viver

Free Translation to English


How good life would be
If it was always like this
The sun, the breeze and the sea
With you only here for me

Missing you hurts me now
I learn to live in solitude
If our story is over
Eternal love is contradiction

Every song of love
Reminds Me
The time that has passed
And do not want to return

If the world goes round and round
I won�t cry for disappointment
Let the rain wash now
My soul and my heart

If I could forget you
I would loose my living, my life

Lyrics Rogerio Maudonnet Music Rogerio Maudonnet
Producer Rogerio Maudonnet Publisher Rogerio Maudonnet
Performance Adriana Dre - Vocals
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Rogerio Maudonnet Maudonnet Music 8/6/2009

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