
Song Length 6:09 Genre R & B - Religious, Unique - Gospel
Tempo Very Slow (Under 70) Lead Vocal Female Vocal
Mood Nonviolent, Poignant Subject Prayer, God
Similar Artists Jewel, Sarah Mclachlan Language English
Era 2000 and later
Lyrics Kirsten J. M. Collins and Starr-Ella Brunelle Music Stacey M. Collins and Kirsten J. M. Collins
Producer Glow Music (Craig Newnes) and Ricky St Hilaire Performance Kirsten Collins
This track is on 3 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Kirsten Collins FAVOURITES 3/29/2014
cwalkman My Top Songs 3/9/2011
Damon Groove My Top Songs 10/30/2010

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Rock - General
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Pop - Europop
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Let It Go New Version New Chorus
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How Do I know
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Crowd Pleaser
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Cry - original 13 yrs old
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Take Control - orginal 14 yrs old
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Precious Child - original 13 yrs old
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