Shove It Off On The Angels

Story Behind The Song

Shove it Off on the Angels (©10/10 Words and music by Mike Tucker and Jeffry Swertfeger) [CHORUS] Shove it off on the angels. Push it off on the angels These burdens laid before their feet. Shove it off on the angels. I only hope that the angels Find it in their hearts to deliver me. [VERSE 1] So find yourself a cozy spot. Somewhere you can call your own. Forsaken and broken down, Find a place you can hide. Somewhere between the dark and light. Somewhere between the day and night. Confused by what is wrong or right, We blindly choose our sides. [CHORUS] Shove it off on the angels. Push it off on the angels These burdens laid before their feet. Shove it off on the angels. I only hope that the angels Find it in their hearts to deliver me. [VERSE 2] We gather up our dirty lies We share our needles and our bedroom eyes. The dirty laundry that we just can't hide And bring those lies to sell. But in the end we're only broken down. Alone and bleeding in this cut-throat town. Another nightmare with a scary clown. Your world is going to hell. [HALF CHORUS] Shove it off on the angels. Push it off on the angels These burdens laid before their feet. [BRIDGE] They say that power is the ultimate high. Love is something you can damn sure buy If hour at a time. [HIGH CHORUS X2]

Song Description

Song of desperation regarding the consequences of life. The act of laying everything at the angels' feet signifies the problems are bigger than any one person can deal with on their own.

Song Length 4:48 Genre R & B - Contemporary, Blues - Country
Tempo Very Slow (Under 70) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Poignant, Moving Subject Life, Existence
Similar Artists The Neville Brothers, Randy Newman Language English
Era 2000 and later


Shove it O ff on the Angels
(©10/10 Words and music by Mike Tucker and Jeffry Swertfeger)

Shove it off on the angels.
Push it off on the angels
These burdens laid before their feet.

Shove it off on the angels.
I only hope that the angels
Find it in their hearts to deliver me.

So find yourself a cozy spot.
Somewhere you can call your own.
Forsaken and broken down,
Find a place you can hide.

Somewhere between the dark and light.
Somewhere between the day and night.
Confused by what is wrong or right,
We blindly choose our sides.

Shove it off on the angels.
Push it off on the angels
These burdens laid before their feet.

Shove it off on the angels.
I only hope that the angels
Find it in their hearts to deliver me.

We gather up our dirty lies
We share our needles and our bedroom eyes.
The dirty laundry that we just can't hide
And bring those lies to sell.

But in the end we're only broken down.
Alone and bleeding in this cut-throat town.
Another nightmare with a scary clown.
Your world is going to hell.

Shove it off on the angels.
Push it off on the angels
These burdens laid before their feet.

They say that power is the ultimate high.
Love is something you can damn sure buy
If hour at a time.


Lyrics Mike Tucker and Jeffry Swertfeger Music Mike Tucker and Jeffry Swertfeger
Producer Jeffry Swertfeger Performance Mike Tucker, Jeffry Swertfeger, Scott Adams, Jr.
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
merrymadeleine My Top Songs 12/25/2010

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