A futuristic foray, modern mélange, striking soundscape, melodious melee, dynamic delight. An effervescent, entertaining, excellent electronic effort. Movie material? Kudos, Kiddo(s)! *****
My head is bouncing when the beat enters. Creative blend of sounds and loops. An engaging percussive concept is a focal point of the song. Energy and intrigue built throughout. Digging the little breaks, goes a little old school there. Melody at 1:30 is perfect, chill and understated, this was my favorite element of a cool jam.
Love the idea and mood.
Great ambient feel, Drums are strong, in your face and punchy!Very unique.Love it! Could be in a movie like Punch Drunk love!
LC Team
Blip. Blip. Ooooo. Wow. Is it Autechre? Is it Aphex Twin? Is it 808 State? It starts off blipping and, hey! Where's it's going to take you? Stay in your seat, passenger, the interesting spare parts take a minute to weave into a tune in an entertaining array of sonic space, female voices, and the clever use of midi tones that bounce pleasingly. Suddenly, end of the ride, sudden stop! A good fit for any electronica album or any video that needs an interesting, eclectic background piece sure to enhance! But do you know what really stands out? This is not a collection of techno noise...that's too easy; this is well thought out composition that will rock you!
Quite a unique track you have here - hence me categorising it as unique!! A strong production with interesting and varied use of instrumentation and vocal FX.
When you get an artist like this and let him/her loose on the computer with a unending plethora of sounds, this is what you get. Fun stuff! The little vocalizations (wow and laughs) are an amusing interjection. I'm no expert on video games, but perhaps this might suit that market.
Nice slow build into a solid beat. This track really keeps your head bobbing. Nicely done.