Song Length |
3:00 |
Genre |
Unique - General |
Here he comes with his cowboy strut
And his bulging biceps and washboard gut
And his beautiful bluejean butt bringing up the rear
He's an aw shucks, yes ma'am guy
Full of meat and potatoes and apple pie
And it's probably last July since he had an idea
He's a No Brainer
You could say that his bulb is dim
He's a No Brainer
People say keep away from him
He's a No Brainer
Beauty's only deep as the skin
But I'm gonna love him just the same
Cause what I want don't take no brains
I went out with this brainy guy
And he used those brains just to tell me lies
When they make you cry that's what really smarts
So I came down here to this dark saloon
Just to nurse my beer and lick my wounds
And this hunk appeared and offered me a brand new start
He's a No Brainer
But he's a man-sized IceCream Cone
He's a No Brainer
But he's my very own torrid zone
He's a No Brainer
And I can't wait to get him home
Am I gonna love him? Yes indeed
A good No Brainer's just what I need
He's a gift from the Honky Tonk Gods
They couldn't have been much plainer
Tee Hee, take it from me
Get yourself a No Brainer
He's a No Brainer
He's a No Brainer
He's a No Brainer
I'm gonna love him just the same
I'm not even gonna ask his name
I'm gonna love him yes indeed
A good No Brainer's just what I need
He's a No Brainer
He's a No Brainer
He's a No Brainer