
Song Length 4:56 Genre Electronic - Downbeat, Pop - Alternative
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Female Vocal
Mood Moving, Passive Subject Sadness, Gratitude
Similar Artists Bjork, Zero 7 Language English
Era 2000 and later


from my window i can see
an oak with one star
like a heart caught in its bones

so easy to be happy
how easy to be happy

high above the warm sand
lazy clouds roll by
angel takes me by the hand
thought melts from my mind
starlight twinkles to me
through cracks in the sky

so easy to be happy
how easy to be happy

cool breeze lift me up
honey fill my cup
sunlight warm my skin
open up and let it in

so easy to be happy

so easy

from my window i can see
wild canary

Lyrics Artemis Robison Music Mike Jordan, Daniel Berkman, Keith Crusher, Artemis Robison
Producer Keith Crusher Publisher RTFM Records
Performance Artemis Label RTFM Records

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