
Song Length 3:38 Genre Rock - Alternative, Pop - Rock
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Engaging, Jovial Subject Jealousy, General
Similar Artists The Black Keys, Daughtry Language English
Era 2000 and later


Far beyond the ocean
There sits a little tree
Crest fallen madness
Of a little boy's dream
Far beyond the mountains
He enters a little cave
And falls into a river
Where loud music plays

Oh remember, remember
What we have become
Oh Remember, remember
I'm holding on
To the dreams I belong
And the places I come from
And the love that's on the line
The lessons I have to find

Remember, remember, oh remember

For a little boy
He's gotten very far
At the top of the stairway
You find out who you are
We all have things to hide my friend
It comes as no surprise
When you wake from the dream
and look in the rise

Choices are hard to make
but comfort consumes me
swimming towards the light
don't wake me from this dream

The hero I have to be
its hard for me to see
The man in front of me
You gotta make me believe

Don't wake me from this dream

Lyrics Anthony Porter Music AnthonyPorter and Jonathan George
Producer Anthony Mazza
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Julia Schmidt My Top Songs 11/6/2013

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