"The Lewnatic is coming to town with his Sino-Japanese brand of rock and roll!"

Sounds Like: Guitar Wolf, Nirvana

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Latest PLB information. http://www.facebook.com/patricklewband

Redx Magazine Biography

Want to enjoy new and interesting songs or unique and entertaining YouTube content? Patrick Lew Hayashi is the guy for you. He has been creating amazing and amusing content in terms of songs and videos for 20 years. The idea of making a fictional character of his sister Madeline and starting a band named Patrick Lew Band (PLB) with her is humorously intelligent. This idea is getting a lot of attention.


Patrick Lew is an Asian-American multitalented artist, possessing the incredible skills of a singer, guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, and YouTuber. His style is mostly Hard Rock as he has a fondness for all the genres. His sole purpose is to create vibe music to save people from negativity by amusing them through entertaining songs. Regardless of no support from around him, he smiles and puts smiles on other people's faces. Patrick Lew was born and grew up in San Francisco to a Japanese mother and a Chinese father in 1985. Being a 90's kid, he creates many nostalgic videos, such as the one he recently made, a 90s theme documentary about his journey.


Patrick fell for music at an early age. The childhood of Patrick Lew seemed good enough to an outsider, but he was facing a lot. His grandfather, who was as close as a best friend to him, died in his childhood. Plus, he was facing a lot of racism and negativity in school and other surroundings. Patrick turned to video games, television, and professional wrestling to get rid of all the negativity. He also fell for music as it distracted him.

Patrick's parents' love for music also played a part in creating a music fondness in him. He grew up listening to his mother's favorite genre, classic rock, by The Beatles and Stones, and his dad's favorite funk, R & B, and Motown music.

The Start of a Musical Journey

Patrick's musical journey began in 2001 when he was just 16 years old. He would create mixes for solo and high school bands and upload them on social media sites under multiple band names. After finishing his schooling at Wallenberg High School, he got admission to CSU East Bay and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy with a minor in Music Composition. The band also ended up with the name Patrick Lew Band then.

Today, he has a number of songs uploaded on various music websites such as Apple Music, Spotify, etc. His most famous works are Glaring Dream, Badlands, Try a Little Harder, Chasing Reality, Orgasm, and many more.

Madeline Lew

Patrick has one real brother, Ricky Lew, but he always says that he has two siblings. The other is his fictional sister Madeline, whom he created to make entertaining content. Madeline is Patrick dressed as a girl. He used this character for making music as well as making YouTube content. He even made a separate channel on YouTube in her name where he uploads funny content.


Patrick received a number of naming achievements which spread his fame a lot. For example, he was the first Japanese-American male to receive the honor of 40 Under 40 Hall of Fame in 2019. He got a lot of appreciation for his work under Patrick Lew Band at the age of 33.

Patrick is not stopping here though. He is ready for more struggles in the future for his fans. He is currently working on a project which he is going to launch soon. Keep following him on social media for more updates.


LEWNATIC415 is a hard rock band that was created by Patrick Lew Hayashi, who is best known for his indie music career and his work with the Patrick Lew Band and TheVerse. Born to a Chinese father and Japanese mother of mixed descent, Patrick began playing guitar at age 13 when his cousin Andy was living with his family while studying at a community college as an International Student. He began his indie music career in 2001, playing guitar and singing in his high school band, which later would evolve into the Patrick Lew Band. Patrick is also a moderately known influencer, having been making YouTube videos online since 2007 at age 21.

In July 2019, during the second year of Patrick Lew Band's (PLB) hiatus, Patrick began brainstorming ideas to go "back-to-basics" with his music as a solo artist. 

Much of the 2010s was dedicated to experimenting with many different styles of music (particularly prog-rock and EDM) as a semi-professional musician with PLB. After completing and serving four years touring and recording with the San Francisco shoegaze/post-punk band TheVerse, Patrick Lew was without an active band and left without any musical ideas for the first time since 2013. 

Patrick decided to return to his gritty, abrasive and in-your-face metal, hard rock and garage punk sound for his new idea as a musician and guitarist. For the first few weeks, he asked his friends on his Facebook page about ideas potentially for a new band name for his new heavy metal music project. Initially, the band was known as Lewnatic Park. Shortly after, Patrick dropped "Park" in the band name, concerned that the audience would mistake his new project as a Linkin Park cover band, and out of respect for the band's frontman Chester Bennington (who died in 2017). He eventually settled on the official name Lewnatic (a spoonerism of his father's surname "Lew" and "Lunatic") when pursuing this new music project of his. 

Lewnatic's sound is best described as garage punk, hard rock, metal. They take some of the heavier and rocking elements from the early 2010s era PLB sound, except very modern. Another way to describe Lewnatic's music is a modernization of hard rock bands from circa 1992. 

In August 2019, the band Lewnatic traveled to Japan for a week for musical and leisure related purposes. Playing a few very low-key and underground punk shows in Japan. He returned to his hometown San Francisco by the end of month, and began occasionally jamming with Filipino-American rapper A. K.AYE at his home studio.  

Between November 2019 to March 2020, Lewnatic would work with their booking agents Afton Shows and began performing monthly residencies at San Francisco's historic DNA Lounge. On their December 15, 2019 performance, A. K. AYE made his first live appearance onstage with Patrick at the club. This improvised and spontaneous live performance would become their debut album Brotherhood, released worldwide via CDBaby in early 2020. On March 8, 2020, Patrick and A. K.AYE would perform one more show at DNA Lounge before the COVID-19 pandemic hit worldwide and forced all musicians to cancel their plans and go into complete Quarantine.

For the next two years, Patrick returned to performing, recording and live-streaming webcasts with the Bay Area band that made him sort of famous globally with his cousin Madeline Lew, the Patrick Lew Band.  Embarking on their most prolific stage as artists. By this point, the Patrick Lew Band began receiving recognition and exposure worldwide and online. As bloggers and curators began writing about PLB more positively and they began putting Patrick Lew Band's music more out there to the public. 

Lewnatic would eventually return from hiatus in early 2022, as COVID-19 pandemic began winding down considerably and quietly in the San Francisco Bay Area. He began working with his booking agents Afton Shows again. The band Lewnatic (sans A. K.AYE) once again performed live music at DNA Lounge on February 20, 2022. 

The band's live setup and tech rider is based on minimalism and convenience when traveling with Patrick's guitar rig. Instead of bringing his 50 watt Marshall amp and lots of gear in an Uber ride to venues he's booked to perform for the evening, most of Lewnatic's live gear is based off a virtual guitar amp and backing tracks on Patrick's laptop. Alongside, an inexpensive audio DI box and Fender Telecaster. 

As a live musical act, the band Lewnatic performs a mix of PLB and solo heavy rock inspired material that Patrick created mostly without Madeline and Madoku involved in the Patrick Lew Band. The musical arrangements vary and are different for every performance every night! 

During the end of March 2022, Lewnatic began recording their second album Strictly Prohibited at their home studio in San Francisco. On one of the new upcoming tracks "As Gritty As I Want To Be," Patrick's relative Madeline Lew makes a guest appearance as a lead singer. The music creation for the entire album was finished in less than a week reportedly, and is currently pending to be released worldwide on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube through their distributor CDBaby online. 

Lewnatic is set to perform a virtual concert inside their rehearsal space. Which is set to world premiere on Patrick Lew Band's YouTube channel on May 1, 2022 at 7:15 PM (PST)! 

The main motives for doing the band Lewnatic is to have fun, play heavy music and not take life and music in general so seriously. And the occasional punk rock show, whether it be a webcast or at the local dive bar! A lot of musical ideas in the studio that was omitted from PLB will be compiled exclusively for the band Lewnatic in the near future! 


over 30 days ago to LEWNATIC415

Check out the music. Enjoy.


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