
Song Description

A tribute to Kay Pauly Ortmans, whose pioneering inner healing work broke ground for generations to come.

Song Length 2:02 Genre Folk - Rock


Sometimes the rain comes down quiet
Gentle and so slow
But when the waters gather
They'll make a mighty flowin'
They'll make a mighty flow

And sometimes the air's so still and heavy
Though it's there you'd hardly know
But when it starts to movin'
You'll feel it blowin'
You'll feel it blow

And sometimes the Sun's so hidden by clouds
You cannot seem to find it
But though you might have come to have your doubts
Somewhere it's always shining
Somewhere it always shines

And people are a river
People are a wind
And when people gather and move together
They can find their shine again
They will always shine again

Lyrics Dave Schindele

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Here for the Spirit
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What Love Would Do
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A Perfect World
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Rock - General
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Big Bang
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Blues - Country
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Why I Say Yes
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Flicker of the Flame
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Plays: 10
Break of Day
Folk - Rock
Plays: 17
Girl in a Whirl
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