The Slow Lane

Song Description

Sometimes, it's nice to be slow.

Song Length 2:56 Genre Folk - Rock


Drive the highway
The Summer wind blows
Got the windows cranked down
Hangin' elbows
Somethin' up ahead surely comin'
Next gas stop, a pop or somethin'
I'm in the slow lane
The slow lane The slow lane The slow lane

When I look to that horizon
Gettin' nearer all the time
No need to rush to meet it
Clear enough when I'm
In the slow lane
The slow lane The slow lane The slow lane

Road runs in sun and rain
Down the mountain 'cross the plain
Billions lives gone, lots more comin'
Each tire and cicada hummin'
From the slow lane
The slow lane The slow lane The slow lane The slow lane

And I'm stealin' nothin' from you
Takin' my own time
Not tryin' to pull a fast one
To let you pass me by I am in
The slow lane The slow lane The slow lane The slow lane

Lyrics Dave Schindele

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Break of Day
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