Babes In The Woods

This is our 10th year performing, recording and writing together. There would be a major void in both of us without our music. The instruments, the stories, the arrangements, intermingle between us. Would that we had met earlier. We're as "folk" as it gets these days, still living out in the country, getting older, hopefully gracefully. Thus, BABES. And...we are both reaching deeper to find solace in our instruments. Thus, IN THE WOOD. We have tried in all our recordings to leave room in the studio for spontaneity, and though we don't always know what the result will be, there is always a sense that the design will unfold to our liking. Our thanks for this process goes to Randy Green, who provides a creative environment in his studio and shines as a producer. Titles: CD I: Canned Goods, The Heartland, Whippoorwill, I Like It Slow, Morning Star, Hallowed Ground, Pale Eyed Son, Born To Fly, Garden Wall, Holly Carol, L'Oranger, Dream Maker, Miracles CD II: Outside Lookin' In, Fertile Ground, Down In The Salley Gardens, Not So Long Ago, Cold Outside, The Gathering, Culloden's Fancy, A'Soalin, Savannah Sound, Windows/Mantra


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