Mes Séries B (MOTS exclusive)

Story Behind The Song

Next challenge in the series '50 songs to write with Roy'. Inspired from Pink Floyd, Mobby and personal experiences about Insomnia and all those things that keep me awake for hours, gazing at the ceiling. My 'B series' is directed every night by a very bad movie director, against my will. Inspired from Pink Floyd since i was born listening to them (thanks Papa and Mom). The tenor sax solo is an eye blink to my parents as their favorite acoustic instr. and biggest fans of Pink Floyd: it is recorded live from a Yamaha VL70m and played at the EWI (electronic wind instr.). Just got the honour to have March Larch singing on it, from Larynx Studio.

Song Description

Ambient guitar riffs on an airy bed of strings + electro beat. It underlines suspense, anxiety, insomnia, stress... those things that keep me awake for hours, gazing at the ceiling. Different moods in this track, and a more relieving "human" part at the tenor sax.

Song Length 4:26 Genre Pop - Dreampop, Electronic - Ambient
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Anxious, Restless Subject Sleeping Pills, Fear
Similar Artists Mobby, Pink Floyd Language French
Era 2000 and later


© SOCAN - Thierry Coupey Août 2020

Tous ces mots,
Ceux que je tais
Mes angoisses introverties
Sont des empêcheurs d'exister
Et qui me minent
À trop veiller

Ils me jouent
Des scènes de ma vie
Comme dans une série B
Cher Scénariste
Je ne t'ai rien demandé

Pre Chorus/
Dis pourquoi je t'intéresse?
Je ne suis pourtant qu'un petit budget
Trop facile proie, victime de son stress
Trouve tes acteurs


Oh Oh
Tant de nuits de rêves éveillés
Oh Oh
Cette peur de ne plus y échapper
D'être sujet
De mes séries B

Les scénarios
Qu'on m'a trouvés
Premier rang en VIP
Sous mon plafond et en 3D
Je les subis
Et je les hais

Pourtant libre
De fermer les yeux
Difficile, je suis curieux
Que se cache-t-il
Derrière un rideau
Si lourd?

Pre Bridge/
Scénariste !
Ton casting est à chier !


J'aimerais être celui
Qui actionne le rideau
Au théâtre de mon sommeil
Chaque nuit
Qu'on me laisse tranquille
Avec mes Séries B !



I speak a little French, but didn't get the title of this. Also from the title I did not get what direction the song was really going in. I think a retitle emphasizing the the hook would be in order. Otherwise I really liked this song, it is very sexy, and it's instrumentation, vocals and mix were good quality.

Interesting crafted..Life is sometimes like a B movie...Excellent play on words..So hard to be in control of the "final curtain" of our lives..
"J'aimerais être celui
Qui actionne le rideau
Au théâtre de mon sommeil
Chaque nuit
Qu'on me laisse tranquille
Avec mes Séries B"

Loved the sax work. Blended well with the simple guitar underneath. I don't speak french so I could only feel the song lyrics.

Being in French, makes it extremely difficult to review, sorry!! I do like the feel & arrangement of the composition, it is quite Beautiful!! Could easily play in a Foreign Film!!!
Very Good Job!!!

First off very nice mood and structure. I don't speak French so I can't offer any insight into the lyric (which is my specialty). I can't say who it reminds me of since it's not a genre that I listen to very much but I did enjoy the song and it succeeded in pulling me into it's dreamy reflective mood. Vocal production and performance I felt was outstanding.
Its a mark of excellence that one does not need to know the words to enjoy the song but I would definitely like to know the story that is being told. Excellent job!

I love your work so this song represents you well. Excellent Vocal work and the instrumentation is very good. mixed and produced well. Keep it up!

Lyrics Thierry Coupey Music Thierry Coupey
Producer Thierry Coupey Publisher Thierry Coupey
Performance March Larch (vocals) & Thierry Coupey Label Thierry Coupey

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Back Home (JoMusik master 2023)
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Te Sigo (Isaias' Theme)
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En Plein Jour
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Louise (feat. Ingrid)
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B4U - electro remake 2022
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Guerrier Admirable
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Quo Fata Ferunt
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Innocent She Was
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