Chocolate Frog

Song Length 2:39 Genre Unique - Comedy
Similar Artists Weird Al Yankovic


Chocolate Frog © 2007 Emerald Rose

I got called down to Dumbledore ' s office
I got in trouble for a spell gone bad
I got pickled by a Polyjuice Potion
Just before I got another Howler from Dad

I got whacked by the whompin willow
I got bitten by a three-headed dog
I got slammed by a Slytherin bludger
Life ' s ok I got a chocolate frog
Life's ok I got a chocolate frog

Snape gave me Dark Arts detention
I couldn ' t make the Quidditch Team
Malfoy called me a name I shouldn ' t mention
and Divination classes make me wanna scream

They all said I was doomed and defeated
Hagrid made me walk through a spidery bog
I found out that my uncle's a werewolf
Life's ok I got a chocolate frog
Life's ok I got a chocolate frog

It's a hard life for a wannabe wizard
Days of double potions and rewards are few
I'm gonna buy a butterbeer at Hogsmeade Tavern
and share my chocolate frog with you

I don't have a Nimbus 2000
I couldn't find the sorcerer's stone
I got snubbed by the Order of the Phoenix
and You-know-who will never leave me alone

You can keep your nosebleed nougats
You can have those licorice wands
I wouldn ' t trade a ton of ton-tongue toffees
Life ' s okay, I got a chocolate frog
Life ' s okay, I got a chocolate frog

I got the evil eye from Mad-Eye Moody
I got a burn from a blast-ended skrewt
I don't think I'm gonna pass potions
and my familiar doesn't give a hoot

After I make my Gringott's deposit
I'm heading home in a floo-powder fog
I'm goin back to my stairwell closet
But I'm taking one treat -- I got a chocolate frog
Life ' s okay, I got a chocolate frog
Life ' s okay, I got a chocolate frog

Lyrics by Brian Sullivan & Larry Morris
Tune by Brian Sullivan
Brian Sullivan -- vocal, guitars
Larry Morris -- vocal
Arthur Hinds -- vocal, percussion
Clyde Gilbert -- vocal, bass

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